Love Live! School Idol Project is a slice of life musical anime, about nine high school girls joining together in a hit new craze, becoming school idols! Eventually they will compete with many other schools nationwide in Love Live, to see which idol group is the best of them all. It's not all for fun though, for the main goal of competing in Love Live for out girls is to become popular enough to get more registered students for the school or have the school be closed down next year.
Love Live! School Idol Project's nine girls are all lovable in their own way, and of course by the end of your time watching it, you might have a "best girl" of your choice. The girls when on stage are well animated with great songs and dance choreography to really shine on stage. Off the stage each girl continue their days of high school youth, whether it's at practice, home, out for fun, or any other matter of activity.
The girls are overflowing with charm and lovable quirks, with also some witty humor spread out through the whole anime. It is one of the few musical focused pieces of media that I can recommend to people and adore in my own way, the biggest strength of the entire experience of course being the well fleshed out personalities of each girl, with their own struggles they wish to overcome in hopes of achieving their dream. To be not just school idols, but true idols, for the world, friends, family, and each other.
Love Live! School Idol Project takes place within Tokyo, and our nine girls compete against many other schools in the area for the chance to be winners in the Love Live competition. There is however another group of girls out on a remote coast, who will soon gather together to compete in Love Live! 5 years later... Love Live! Sunshine!!
Most of the things the first season has are still here: the fun comedies, the expressive enthusiasm, and the adorable interactions. But to reach a bigger stage than before will require a bigger effort from each member. So this time around, we're given more of their roles as school idols, while also bringing a developmental spotlight to those who didn't get much focus from before. It continues on with unlocking each of the nine member's influence on one another. Whether it's to come up with a new song or to support the ones who want to break out of their shell, they will always be there for each other.
It's this strong focus on µ's as a whole that makes the second half of their journey more emotionally invested, particularly during the latter episodes when everything converges towards a bittersweet reality. Even in the show itself, the collective support from their school, family, and fans is enough to realize just how incredibly special the group is. At this point, they're not just there as a musical entertainment. They go beyond that—into an authentic devotion of hearts shared by everyone.
Rivals such as the sassy A-RISE knows fully well of this special ability of µ's to capture the hearts of all who sees them. It does give the Love Live! contest a bit more of a competitive side, but more importantly, it's proof that µ's has grown so much ever since the beginning. All of their charming qualities, from hard work to dedication, become a tangible routine of colorful dancing and beautiful singing. And with a better CGI animation to go along with a vibrant stage, enjoying the various performances is something that can be described as a natural immersion.
From the uplifting yet melancholic "Snow Halation" to the rosy "Aishiteru Banzai!", Love Live! can definitely pride itself with its lovable music. Many of the songs here are thematically relevant to what this season is trying to express, which is the positive message of hope and love that I'm sure a lot of you have heard already in your life before. But to be reminded of it, especially in an endearing fashion, will always be a plus side to me. As for the general visual, it's the same adorable art that I've grown to love, and I don't think that needs to change.
When I reflect back on my journey with µ's and School Idol Project, I really couldn't have asked for more. The second season, with its authentic emotions and lasting impressions, is enough to solidify the reasons why I'm their fan now and why Love Live! is a dear franchise to many people out there. If you want to be a part of that wonder as well, give µ's a listen.
Many music and memories are awaiting you!