Why art ? Why life ? Why everything ?
All this question assault our tourmented mind every day.
But somewhere in Japan : a studio full of goddamn genius decide to answer those question with a simple and unique show about...
... thighs !
STORY 6 : Pretty common for a slice of life
ART 10 : Beautiful Thighs everywhere. Every frame, every shot of this show is a masterpiece
SOUND 7 : Not very outsanding
CHARACTER 8 : Three nice girls take in the spiral of life, with charming and funny scene.
ENJOYMENT 10 : if you are a man of culture, this show is for you (and me)
OVERALL 10 : These episodes are very short so it's not like the show is going to eat you're life like Naruto or One Piece
Japan is always a head of us.
(What a time to be alive !)