P.A. Works' first ever anime sequel, adapting Tomihiko Morimi's "The Eccentric Family: The Junior Returns", something which is well written and well crafted just like it's prequel.
Story 10/10
The story continuing from where it was left behind in season 1 yet expanding the universe more and giving enough time to explore and get invested in characters. Tho this time the tension doesn't surround the Tanukis alone but Tengu as well, introducing a key character to the plot known as "Nidaime" son of Akadama aka Sensei.
Art 10/10
The art of this show is second to known, it's unique; the art itself easily creates a lively situation which leaves the viewer in awe. Some of the locations are drawn just amazing and makes me want to revisit them from time to time.
Sound 10/10
"Moon River" ED was done by fhana, a great one from a great artist. Other than that, the OP "Nasugamama, Sawagumama" by milktub and overall soundtracks specially the ambient music is very notable. The music changes from wacky to calm according to the scenes.
Characters 10/10
Every character in this show play a good part in the story, you get to see and know about everyone. Yaichirou and Tousen's relationship, the journey of Yajirou (The frog of the well) to find himself, Yasaburou and his melancholy, Yashirou being a protecc material, Kaisei getting more screen-time and her granny being a fluff ball, Benten's agony from some sequences, Nidaime coming back to Kyouto and his arc... Like there's a lot, and it's all written very well, you won't find a single character to be boring or out of place in the story.
Enjoyment 10/10
I enjoyed every single episode of this show without getting annoyed or feeling that it's getting repetitive instead it made me crave for more.
Overall 10/10
The story, art, sound, characters... Everything just fits so perfectly. It actually saddens me that there's nothing more of this.