
Apr 6, 2020
What a fun ride that was. Two 80s chicks work for a Government Agency and create havoc almost everywhere they go. But they get the job done. The artwork is probably good for its era, but not great compared to today. The sound was fine nothing overwhelming. There is no real storyline, most of the episodes are stand alone, except for a couple of 2 parters. What really stands out though are the two main characters, they are almost constantly arguing or insulting each other, frequently blackmail their boss for raises and bonuses, they also cause a lot of property damage most of the time, and they work well together. They are fun to watch, they wear 2 piece outfits that are pretty much hot pants and cleavage inducing tops, along with cowboy boots. If it wasn't for their antics I probably would have dropped this one. This is a great action comedy, so if you are looking for that sort of thing and can tolerate the 80s vibe this is for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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