Cute girls doing cute things is a love it or hate it genre filled with love it or hate it shows. A genre that has very little meaningful development or change but who cares? The appeal is clear.
Let me be clear I do not harbor any ill will to the genre. I actually appreciate the shows that fall under this broad and interesting genre.
Whatever good will I have for such a genre was quickly ignored when I saw the first episode of this anime. No lie I almost fell asleep. The pace is so slow and unbearable which is a shame since girls with guns sounds like a cool concept right?
Now, let's take a side step to talk about the deceit within concept. Now I am sure there was no intention to deceive the audience but regardless I fell into its unintentional trap. Since I am born here in burgerland I have a bias towards guns. Guns are cool and the idea of a bunch of cute girls shooting guns was a neat concept. The problem being they aren't shooting guns. These are light guns. My interest plummet immediately.
Now let's talk about the other primary genre of this show: Sports.
Sports anime can be a captivating experience displaying a complex range of emotions. Now I did not expect something dramatic but I was not expecting the most boring sport you could imagine. Imagine a sports anime where everyone stands in a line and pulls a small trigger. The most boring idea conceivable for the genre.
The visuals for this anime teeter between slightly below average to the most shockingly mundane use of CG I can think. When the girls are running around and doing cute things the anime is animated how you would imagine. Nothing special or unique. Once the shooting begins is where the visuals become the most laughable use of CG I can imagine. When the girls are standing there, without moving and pulling triggers their bodies become CG. The least intensive actions anime could possibly take is animated in CG. Why?!
The story is nothing to write home about. Imagine a sports anime where they do almost none of the work and still make it to nationals. Characters would just come and go without any lasting impact unless they were gay of course.
The soundtrack;s only notable entry is the opening theme. It has a catchy beginning I am sure you see people parroting in the episode threads.
In conclusion I would say you skip this anime. There are plenty of better cute girls doing cute things shows to waste your valuable time with. A show where its only merit is that it can be competent some of the time. A boring gray of strange CG light gun shooting monotony.