Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles was a great series in and of itself. It was portrayed in the anime in a very hit or miss fashion with the quality and editting. The way Bee Train hurt Tsubasa is the equivalent of what 4kids does to anime here. Be that as it may, we're not talking about the original 2 seasons, i'm here to recommend to you.
Tsubasa Chronicle: Tokyo Revelations
This OAV is astounding. The characters have more development then they did throughout the first two seasons. The art style was more defined, more "Mature" in the scope that Tsubasa truely is. Syaoran simply looked taller, more defined and slender, like a cross between Kurogane and Fai, the way a main characters body should look.
Following the manga pretty much to a T, the "Revelations" that are discovered and exposed in the dreary acid rain filled town that once was Tokyo, were mind blowing to me. Each character went through something big in just 3 episodes, and the best part is it didn't feel rushed.
My enjoyment with these OAV's was through the roof. Seeing the characters for who they really are. It is indeed a must see if you love anything about Tsubasa.