I watched the anime first, and came over to the manga, because the anime ended as the action was about to start. Little did I know, the action doesn't end, but not to it's benefit. I feel like the story drags out to very unnecessary lengths. They adding new characters and situations, and it seems like the people that made this don't want the story to end.
And the pacing is awful. They used the same pacing in the anime, which is more tolerable in that medium, but in magna, it's frustrating.
As much as I enjoy the story, I don't like things that drag on. A spin-off started before they even have the main story finished, and that's weird to me. How would the spin-off not have spoilers from the main story that isn't finished, yet?
I gave it an enjoyment a 7 and the overall a 9, because I enjoy the characters and the story, for the most part. I just dislike how they're dragging out every detail, the pacing, and that a story that could have ended a long time ago is still going. They could have made this a successful short story.