Joshikausei is a slice-of-life, school-centred, comedy manga by Ken Wakai. The manga is written and presented without dialogue, just pictures and sound effects. Its what has given Joshikausei some attention as the mangas quirky and sometimes surreal humour stands out among manga of the same genre and tone. The story of Jushikausei is centred around three high-school girls, their friendship and the adventures and the comedic situations they find themselves in. Seasoned manga readers may be put off by the initial concept of Joshikausei because, being honest, it's not exactly something all that original. However, what is original about this manga is its presentation and execution. It proves that unoriginal concepts can be done well, especially when given the freedom to try different ideas, like a 'silent-manga' even if some people will just write it off as a gimmick.
Let me be clear, the 'silent' and 'wordless' aspect of Joshikausei is a gimmick, there's no real reason for the story to be told that way. But it's like that regardless. And I like it that way, because of the comfy atmosphere and paced aesthetic it gives to the manga. Each chapter focuses on some small skit or gag that is relegated to a theme, and you'll find yourself reading through them in a blast. It's specifically because of its 'wordlessness' that you can absorb the pages at a flowing rate, with no need for complication, it's such an enjoyable read. In Joshikausei 'wordlessness' may be a gimmick, but it's not a fault. Ever since I read The Arrival by Shaun Tan, I have been craving silent comics, and this manga certainly fills the void.
(6/10) ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤