Fate/Cooking is best Fate. It is all you need in life. It's wholesome, and will make you want to cook this stuff for yourself and it's very wholesome.
This should've been enough to convince you, but MAL wants more. Expect a very undeep analasys.
Characters are the usual Fate characters, just in a not-at-all depressing and not-at-all dire situation. It's very wholesome.
Medea is adorable here.
I suppose there's no story. It's just Emiya cooking for a bunch of people and it makes for some great character moments. It's very wholesome.
Animation is fitting for the SoL style it's going for. It's nothing fancy, but very pleasing to the eyes. It's very wholesome.
Sound is what you'd expect from a SoL. The soundtrack does the job. The OP is the best Fate OP. It's very wholesome.
I would never have expected this kind of wholesomeness from this franchise when I first watched Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night. I loved every minute of it. It's very wholesome.
Did I mention it's wholesome?