Pizza Review! (I review and describe the anime with a pizza analogy)
Kokoro Connect looks like a fun and promising pizza. It looks interesting, its toppings look exquisite and fun. But alas in the end, with the direction it took the pizza became a mess. It's enjoyable at some points but then in the end it drops the ball and a nasty aftertaste happens. And at some parts, you're left confused or felt like it had some missed potential in its flavour. The ingredients and base are definitely enjoyable but what it chooses to with them in end, it fails.
I really wanted to enjoy this pizza. It had things I like on it but what it does with it in the end made it turn out disappointing and unfocused. If it wasn't trying to be so unique or dramatic and gave time for itself to cook its ingredients for me to enjoy I would have liked it much more. It took itself too seriously and was aiming too high, when it should have been easier on itself.
Story - 7/10
Art - 8/10
Sound - 8/10
Character - 8/10
Enjoyment - 8/10
Overall - 8/10