This is a manga that has a simplistic concept that it keeps simple throughout the entire manga, but still manages to use it effectively. The core of the manga is a guy joining an evil organization for money and things never actually getting all that evil. Rather, everything is quite lighthearted and humorous. The evil organization also has absolutely no impact on the plot at all beyond him being a part of it, rather nothing such as the purpose of the organization or anything of the sort is explained at all. The plot itself actually seems to revolve around Aokura's relationship with his family, especially his little sister Chisato, and with Ladywulf/Mikoto. For how short and non-plot oriented the manga is, the characters are characterized pretty well and are pretty interesting. The relationship and character development is also super shallow but it feels fine in context, especially the ending which felt super rushed but felt like a good point to end on with solid progress in these areas. Really though, the comedy is what really holds the manga up, and it does a pretty good job of staying funny throughout the series, albeit in a really childish way that I wasn't expecting and which was actually somewhat refreshing. The art was okay.
tl;dr: A short manga that doesn't have much depth but has solid characters and humor.