So, you've probably seen Crybaby if you found out about this. The big question is "How's the OVA's?" The answer? "Eh?"
This OVA takes basically the first part of the manga where our wimpy hero becomes the hero that Japan deserves, Devilman, and drags it out ad nauseum. Crybaby had the right idea condensing the part this OVA adapts to a single 20 minute episode, because its littered with boring exposition and flashbacks that you are likely to skip. Despite the lengthy runtime, we don't get a whole lot of development from our main characters, much less side characters like Miki, who were absolutely spoiled in the Crybaby adaptation
However, the presentation is actually pretty good. Action scenes are smooth and have surprisingly good impact and it still looks really good despite being from 1987. Not to mention the delicious amount of gore. This is the 80's after all.
If you are to watch this, watch the dub, because the excessive swearing and one-liners is what most of the enjoyment of this otherwise mediocre late 80s slugfest comes from. However, when the characters aren't being more hammy than a Boar's Head, particularly during parts with exposition or parts where the plot is making an attempt to be serious, the delivery is quite wooden. At these points, the Japanese dub is actually much better, and some parts where the dub overdid it, such as the "I'M DEVILMAAAAAAAAAN" scene, the original actually sounds really cool. But the original language, without the swearing and overacting, just makes the underdeveloped characters and plot in this simultaneously bloated and thin OVA more obvious.
So just pop a cold one, turn your brain off, and enjoy the condensed 80s in this pretty fun romp.