I have never reviewed anything, but since nobody I know cares about anime, I needed some sort of platform to express how I felt after this anime. Please be aware my review will contain minor story spoilers.
The only thing I can relate to in this anime, was heroine's name - Erika! It was amazing to watch an anime with my first name spoken so often and cute, Erika Chan! It got me very excited from the very beginning, decent humour, nicely drawn animation, hot but cold main male lead, what else could I ask for? Got me rolling.
However I soon started wishing I would end this thing soon. Erika... Where do I even start. She annoyed the soul out of me. I was actually wishing she would fail in any attempt or mission. No backbone, no dignity whatsoever. I am not a feminist, or anything close but the way she represents young women, is unbelievably bad. Allows to be treated like dirt (girls like ''Bad'' guys, huh?), forces herself onto someone, to the point where I felt embarrassed for her. I started loving the anime around the mid way through where she actually nicely told Kyouya to hit the road. I was like ''You go girl!'' and was really enjoying Erika learning to be an independent woman, him being jealous / losing control over her. And then by the end of the episode, after being all strong and resistant, Erika decides to possibly force herself on him FOR YEARS until he gives in?! No matter what horrible things he would say to her, she would ignore it all by, let's say, receiving a bloody necklace and forgetting all about the embarrassament she gone through! That just killed the last respect I had for her and I realised how shallow and stupid her character is. From that point I really wished she would fail or Kyouya would just dump her (a lot to expect from shoujo anime, I know.)
In a funny way, I liked Kyouya. He is a proper jerk, but considering how stupid and annoying Erika is, why not take an advantage? I liked his sole, loner, grumpy person attitude, because I can mostly relate to that, I still did not like the way he treats and views women though. Being mad at your mum for walking out is not an excuse to treat women like pets. I also did not actually believe he liked / loved Erika all that much. It seemed forced to please the audience of course. I think a guy like him would not bother saying one word to a silly goose of a girl like Erika.
Animation wise, I did enjoy it. A bit plain at the times (dialogues with colorful border around the character, no movement apart from lips, scenes) I enjoyed the humour! Found myself trying not to laugh out loud few times. Some scenes were actually really funny, voice acting included.
Overall I was excited around episodes 1-2, Started disliking it around 3-5 where she actually falls for him, LOVED the episode where she quit the wolf girl attitude and mostly hated it with passion afterwards till the end. Around episode 9-11 I was thinking maybe to just drop it here, but I finished it. My overall rating is 5. There was some enjoyment to it, some ''Butterflies in the stomach'' moments as I call it, but characters annoyed me so much, I could barely watch it through.