"This card has 1500 attack power"
"That means whenever I attack the enemy player with this card, they will lose 1500 life points."
"And thats a good thing because if the enemy player runs out of life points, I win the game!"
"Wow thats amazing, I guess that means that the enemy player will have to try his hardest to not get hit by your card."
"Thats right. It just comes to show how powerful this 1500 attack power card is."
*Match starts*
"Oh no, I'm about to get hit by that 1500 attack power creature."
"Aaaaahh, I've was hit and I'm pretending that being hit by a virtual creature in a virtual card game has somehow caused me physical pain"
"Haha yes I got him, now I just need to do that for a few more turns, and I'll have won thanks to my powerful 1500 attack power creature."
Now repeat all of that for 220 episodes.
Dec 6, 2017
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