that is one of the things I remember when I hear Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu 2.
After completing Haruhi season 1 I continued on to season 2,which welcomed me with a great new op/ed,the same great animation,and all my favourite characters(save Asakura).The first episode "bamboo leaf rhapsody"left me,again,wanting to quickly advance to the next episode,which I was well aware of as the infamous endless 8.
Now I know that many many anime fans saw endless eight and went on the spaz train,but I see endless 8 diferently.In the original light novels(I think it was the Rashness)Endless 8 was there.Fans read it.In this season of haruhi,KyoAni decided to re-create those chapters,re-drawing,re-recording and re-airing basically the same episode 8 times.The haruhi team must have put a lot of effort into those 8 episodes,and I respect them all for it.
The remaining 5 episodes re-tell The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya LN,which I have read-and adored.I must say I really enjoyed watching something I've already experienced on paper,and I liked how true they were to the original LN-especially Tsuruya's amazing moments.
Overall I enjoyed this season as much as I did the last,especially Itsuki in a speedo!But I would only recommend this season to Haruhi fans only,basically because of the fact that endless 8 is just something that gets almost everyone annoyed.