No. Just no.
One of my friends bought Dragon Half at Anime Punch and we decided to watch it on the way home, because our bus had a dvd player.
I felt my ears begin to rot at their voices, especially at the main characters. The plot was....ridiculous. It was basically a small chibi half-dragon that wanted to get laid by some random Dragon Slayer/singer. HELLOOOO YOU'RE A DRAGON. HE WON'T WANT YOU, HE'LL WANT TO STAB YOU! SOOO, because she's THAT DESPERATE to have him, she decides "Frick, I need to become full human or he'll never love me. -tears-." God....
I think the only reason this show isn't forgettable is because of the squeaking and squealing like pigs they called "voice acting."
Seriously, this attempted for comedy and it FAILED badly. There wasn't a good moment in this series at all. The character designs sucked, so did the story itself.
To those considering this anime: DONT. Save your ears A LOT of misery...