
Jul 5, 2017
First things first. My "reviews" system is explained on a blog entry. Which can be found through my profile.

Second, It's the start of my "reviewing" era, thus probably will be odd.

Okay, since BBcodes disabled I shalt split thematics onto different paragraphs.
So Air Gear manga, I really loved the Anime, watched it twice and planning for another re-watch. But because I was reminded that anime OVA does a time skip, so I decided to pick up manga from the beginning.

Story (6)
Starting for probably with the weakest or most tedious part of this manga, which is STORY. What was great about the manga story was it was fun friends doing great rollerblades battles and learning different tricks. But at some point story starts escalating in quite a grand theme. Bringing in all sorts of odd things. Extreme superpower Air Treks, cyborgs, quite an odd technology and also a lot of plot turning points, which would been all fine, but it was made in way too confusing way. They started bringing in too many different story points, explanations and also too many characters. For a light reader as me (as I'm not particularly fond of reading) it was really difficult to grasp onto what was happening to the story. At some point I just couldn't remember most of the new characters that were brought in or how was story related to different aspects. Point being, as anime with "fillers" to explain things better. It would been amazing battle shounen anime. But as pure manga format, it felt rushed, tried too hard and too much was thrown in which made the story quite a weak link and led the whole thing astray. Story ended on an acceptable level.
TLDR; story - Starts with fun rollerblade battles, ends up way too chaotic and confusing.

Characters (7)

What can I say, hate or love. It had both. Most characters were kind of a "punks, thugs, energetic brats and so on.." which was fine for the most part. It made into great battle shounen and enjoyable stereotypes and cliches. Only specific comments I might add about characters would be that main team was fun. Very "nakama-power" heavy with bunch of really cool rivals, villains and gangs. As for female characters, they were quite hot. But some I did really dislike as they were really loose ***** and ******* whilst counterpart some guys/punks were quite rapey. But nevertheless I did enjoy the cast whilst still can't get over how one specific character was plottwisted (was in anime too) in a direction I wasn't hoping for. Aside that, only specific comment about characters I might add, would be Tuners. I'm still not sure whenever they were tweaking AT's or doing something indecent.

Art (9)
The strongest part of the manga. The art was really cool. Battle sequences were really nice. Background/scenery was done really niceley. Character designs were cool and female characters were really sexy and they managed to add the cuteness aspect as well quite well.

Enjoyment (8)
Since most of my review has the "enjoyment" aspect of review in each paragraph. I will only add few extra things here.
I wasn't yeah, particularly fond of some character stereotypes/personalities. As they pissed me off. Also yeah, anime was 10/10 and manga for some time also 10/10, the amount of stuff they threw in and the confusing I was given.. caused me to lower the score. Comedy was also great aspect, lot of references and randomness that I'm fond of.

Overall (8)
All I can say is, for a battle shounen anime It's quite cool. Nice world, interesting concept, epic battles, sexy girls, cool guys. Cool powers and so on, it's good Manga. But yeah, story confusion, the amount new characters being brought it makes it quite difficult manga to keep track on. Plus yeah, some characters being quite a ahem.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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