So I mostly tend to see people either fanboy and love this anime or people trash it for idiotic reasons. I am just going to give you a straight review
Story 5\10
First off, its a parody of death not and a slice of life\comedy anime so not really looking for much. The story is based off our MC meeting Guri an angel trying to make couples. This is done through the kiss note which is essential the death note but you write two peoples names and they fall in love. This anime follows that story for a bit than focuses on the characters more or less the second half of the anime.
Characters 7\10
The character are not linear and have backstories that are explained properly or given a good shot at least. The characters besides the MC make the show worth watching. Most of them have some generic tropes along with there own spice or something totally new and the show made me laugh quite a bit. For a while now most "comedy anime" has made me cringe or sigh more than laugh so this anime was a nice pick up for this alone.
Art 8\10
The art in this anime is very nice with some cool art styles in the op and the anime. It was nice to see something new that worked so well. It was a real treat to look at.
Overall 7\10
This anime is a fairly good comedy done right with some problems sure but if your looking for a good parody\comedy this is worth picking up. right now the chances of a second season are basically 0 since the manga is not much further ahead than the anime along with popularity not being high but for what we have alone, its better than most comedys coming out today.