Rate a 3
English subtitled
-Introduction needs more work. It is unclear if this is one of those films that shows the present or future first before showing other scenes. Or, this could very well be a trade an old sword for a new one. This could have been just getting a simple repair preformed. This could have been the samurai's first sword. A lot of questions are raised.
-Regardless of introduction the plot was confusing in its own way as well. Was the sword stuck? Was the attacker petrified? Was his emotions getting the better of him?
-Conclusion, was abrupt to the point that it felt two movies were merged together. Who was the this new character? Was he the M_____? was it the other person?
-with a story titled a double edge i think of messages with that have a pro and a con. Such as, being a god and not knowing what it is like living as a human. Or, being born rich and not knowing the struggles one face that weren't that lucky. perhaps, not very good examples but express the fact that no matters what happens you can't get the full experience.
-art changed in color which made no sense.
Sound- a silent film
Character- bio needs work
Enjoyment- I understand this art work is ancient(1917) in comparison to what we see today on television. I would normally feel that this type of film would be best appreciated as a study life lesson. However, overall dealing with plot and art i can't even say that. In other words, i have nothing good to say about this film.