
May 27, 2016
Like I've already said in some of my other review, I'm not at my best, when I'm reviewing something, that I like... or love, for that matter! Maybe because, when you usually review something you love, you tend to overhype it, drooling all over it, like a rapid dog, and when someone, like me, tends to take that overhyping for granted, it can really, really easily backfire. To me, it's just so much more easier to say, why I hate something, rathen than why I love, but if I have to tell, why I love something, it's usually just something like "meh... because!" Not very solid argument, I know, but lets just see, how do I manage this time, shall we?!

Story (10)

The story - in a nutshell, because there's a lot! - is about two brothers, Edward and Alphonse, who study alchemy, since their deadbeat-father left them out of nowhere, without mentioning when or never to return. Their mother dies, so logically, they try to bring her back... which would be all and good, if it wasn't such a taboo! So big of a taboo in fact, that the older brother looses his arm and a leg, and the other his entire body - symbolism, everywhere! With no other choise left but to "stand up and go further", they burn down their house, join in the military, and start their hunt in search of a legendary Philosophers stone, that can in any hands do pretty much anything, even beyond the laws of nature, equivalent exchange, or even the God himself! All in the same time, when the military and the mysterious group of renegades called Homunculi plot their way up in the circles, all waiting the Promised Day to arrive, and end the world as they know it!

What is the secret behind the Philosopher's stone, and the Isvalan civil war? What is this Promised Day, and what it means to be called a "sacrivice"? Who plots against who and who stands to gain immortality? All this and more, in about 60-episodes- long rollercoaster of deceat, vengeance, and hope for a happy ending!

When I first saw this anime, I've already seen the "original" older version, and didn't like it... as much! I thought it was clumsy, little jumpy with the story department, and the characters... well, they were there. That's all. Nothing really solid there, but I won't complain. Overall, I wasn't that hyped, to see this newer, bigger and more costly "remake", that's supposed to follow the original manga much more loyally... and knowing, what the remakes usually do to our beloved movies, this could've been really big hit or miss! Lucky for me... I really loved it! The story really was great, with deeper themes, following so many sidestories, characters' backstories and motivations, that I actually felt like drowning into everyhting, that I was exposed to... and this anime is only about 60 episodes long! God damn!

What I was so impressed about this anime, whas that it actually was relatively deep, both for a story, and the characters, and do I even dare to say... somewhat complex at a times - it took me actually three rewaches to get a good grip of the sidestories, main plot, and motivations, understandin fully every single character, and what they're "mind-frames" really were!

That being said, the plot itself is still relatively simple, but the way it's told, is not! There are so many elements, and plotpoints, that it's almost hard to tell, where the actual story is, and when do all these little pieces get put together - like a awesome 3D-puzzle! But, when it does get put together, it's just so satisfactory, that it feels like... well, it feels! Questions about live and death, teology and humans' real place in the world, what you can wish for, and what you can actually have, without breaking the boundaries you're not granted to brake, what's the true price of desires, and is there really some things in this world, that should stay forbidden, untainted by humans greedy hands? These are just a scrach on the surface of many, many themes this anime has to offer, and I can't wait, to find out even more!

Art (9)

The art... while still not my strongest forte in my judgement-stand-point, is still pretty impressive, and pretty to look at. The backgrounds are clear and simple, yet immaginative enough to belong into this steam-punk- ish, so-so historic version of Germany in WWII, which really was a big selling-point for me, who just absolutely loves history.

The characters are all simple, yet easy too tell apart. They don't all have the same faces, nor all-too-similar facial expressions, which seems to be my new pet peeve in anime in regular.

The fights - yes, there's fighting involved in this anime... surprise! - are very detailed and the animation compiments beautifully each characters own personalities, abilities and what are their strongest points. For example, Ed is pretty talented fighter in general, but tends to "overheat" if being called "shortie". Al is much more composed, but too gentle most of the times. The homunculi are my absolute favourite to watch, since they all have different abilites, and they all use them with precise, and with deadly talent, that's just a bliss to look at!

There are still easily seen some brief, yet noticeable moments of changed animation styles, expecially during fighting. The movements tend to lack the same fluidity as it normally has, and be thus overly exaggerated, but those are just a very brief moments here and there, mostly in the second half of the series, so it gets a pass from me.

Sound (9)

Althoug I did watch the original Fullmetal Alchemist in english dub, I can't really say anything for it, or against it. It was nice, and had a solid talent behind it, but... since I watched this one in japanese... I just can't but to notice the difference!

I just loved the voices in japanese! Japanese Kimbley is great, even if I have to loose Chris Sabat as a Armstrong.

I also loved the music, with it's oh-so melancholic choirs and violins, bringin out the emotions and the power of every scene and every character so perfectly, that I can't but to listen, and enjoy!

Character (10)

The characters - and o'boy there are tons! - aren't just some easy stereotypes, or shallow cardboard cut-outs, with little to no personality, or no actual motivations. These are real people, with real desires, flaws and sins to bear, with deep emotions and motivations, both in good and in bad.

And the best part is, that it's not just the story, that gets to know them, but also we, who get to hear their thoughts, their memories and ambitions in life, like if they're talking with us, and I just love, when characters do that! You see their backstories, you hear their thoughts, their reasonings for their actions, and their points of views about situations, siding either with them, or against them. None of them are crystal clear, or pure white, and often times, I felt like watching actual real-life people, dealing with their pasts, sins, desires and flaws, rather than some fictional characters, bound in some unexplained contraption of plotpoints and events. They took their time to talk to me, to show me sides of themselves that I didn't know of, or didn't really want to learn of... but that's human for you - we all have sides in ourselves, that are both beautiful, and ugly, because we have something, called dimensions! These characters know both their own, and each others flaws, strenghts, ambitions and sins, therefore acting like a real individuals, being either hero, or a villain!

And since we're already in the subject, I may as well say a thing or two about the... romances, in this anime. Yes, there're romances in this anime, and they're actually good ones! Romance in general, has never been that one ship that holds that much water in shounen... or, in anything even slightly japanese in that matter... but when it comes to FMA:B, the romance-angle is actually pretty good... even enjoyable! And I'm not even talking about the "sappy/sugary/over-the-top"- romance either! I'm talking about the bonds between friends, loyalty between the master and the servants, and love between brothers, what's actually the main force of the story itself. The ever-so-subtle "loyal-admiration"- angle with Hawkeye and Mustang was truly memorable, same as the friendship between Musty and Huges, as well as the romance between Ed and Winry, that blooms and developes the same way as the characters grow and develope. Nothing is rushed or paisted on top to look more pretty to the eyes of the viewer. It's all very well done, in the sence that it's not so over the top -they never say that they love each other, but you can still feel and see that they do!

And what about the villains then? My all time favourite thriving force of any media or story-telling, that keeps me - if done right! - at the edge of my seat, begging for more and... well, let's leave it to that, shall we! The villains in this pick are also very enjoyable and well made, although the show itself do suffers that glorious "too many characters at the same time!"- syndrome, so that not so many chracters get their time of the day to really shine and develope as the rest of the main cast does, but the thing is, that not all of them truly even need to develope - Gluttony or Sloth, although nice in general, not really that interesting to look at. Those who do get their time in the spotlight - Kimbley, Scar, some of the Homunculi and Father, for example - do get their own backstory, motivations and their own little arcs to fulfill, some of them even growing and developing along the way. It's truly a treat to look at, and therefore I wouldn't have said a bad word if the show itself was actually... say, ten episodes longer than it was, but oh well... never please the fans - they're the worst!

Kudos for the sublety though, since every single detail, action and mistake counts to something, developing both story and the characters, giving them even more motivation, and depth, through both stakes, and consequenses - when someone dies, they stay there... for good!

Enjoyment (10)

Despite all the things and points that impressed me, this is clearly not a anime for everybody! The story, although actually relatively simple, is really so heavily and tightly packed with themes, philosophy, subplots and multi-colored characters with each of their own motivations and stories, that it's really easy to get lost in the middle of it all, and loose interest as a whole - good memory, and good attention span are needed!

Those, who enjoy investing themselves into a deep, rather long and character/plot-driven story, that forces you to think on your own and play that "puzzle inside your brain"- game, can indeed find this anime rather interesting, maybe even marvelous, but do bear in mind, that there's some boobs here and there, and some of the asses are being slapped for the fun of it, so if that puts you off, then better either steel yourself, or look away - it is the military, after all!

If you think, that the shows like Pokemon, DBZ or Little Snow Fairy Sugar are as deep of a storytelling and characterization as you can handle, don't even bother with this one!

Overall (10)

This anime is for those, who can appreciate deep, heavily multi-branched stories and plots, complex and colourful characters you actually get to know, and themes that'll actually make you think on your own - and it's actually not that long either, so... that helps too! The musics are amazing, and the art isn't that bad either, so if you're interested to give it a go, go for it, and enjoy the ride!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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