Iron-Blooded Orphans (IBO) is the most recent installment in the Mobile Suit Gundam Universe, but avoids the tired and stale aspects of the more recent predecessors. IBO paints the disturbing reality that child soldiers face in a war torn era - it is a provocative yet grief-stricken series that highlights everything wrong with placing a gun in a child's hands. While the story itself is a highlight of the series, IBO's most glaring problem is in character development where it is hard to support the convictions on many of the characters due to incomplete background knowledge of their circumstances.
{Story} - IBO's story is most certainly its strongest point. There is never a dull episode and the pacing is consistent and engaging throughout the 25 episode series. The heart-wrenching stories of child soldiers fighting for what they believe is the only way they can live will keep you rooting for characters beyond the main characters and the overarching story is fulfilling.
{Art} - As with nearly all Gundam series, the art is very good. With that said, there is nothing in IBO that makes it stand-out from the rest of the Gundam universe.
{Sound} - Similarly to IBO's art, the sound in IBO is very good and on par with most Gundam series. The opening and ending songs are all very catchy and will likely find their way onto your anime playlist (if you're into that sort of thing).
{Character} - Character development in IBO is where I found the series to fall flat. I really never understood or believed the rationality behind some of the main characters motivations - particularly Mikazuki. While there is an announced season 2 on its way where their background may be expanded upon - until then I found their lack of backstory to be a glaring issue as I never felt connected to anyone except for Orga.
{Enjoyment} - As I mentioned earlier, the series never had a dull moment. Even the slower paced episodes had interesting and important elements that kept the story flowing and keeping the viewers interest. As long as you're into the mecha genre, you'll be entertained the whole way.
{Overall} - Overall I gave IBO an 8/10. The overarching story and subject matter was excellent and would have earned a solid 9/10 if not for a severe lack of character development and background information. Hopefully this will be remedied in the upcoming season 2 in the Fall of 2016! The series is definitely worth watching and my favorite Gundam series since Seed.