Shokugeki no Souma is a fairly lighthearted anime that centers around a boy, Yukihira who wants to work his way to the top of the culinary world in order to return to his life as the chef of a casual neighborhood diner. With an anime about delicious food, who wouldn't be hungry after every episode? I really enjoy the different cuisines mentioned and varieties of cooking techniques during the shokugekis (cooking competitions usually used to settle disputes between chefs).
Story: I feel like the story is a bit slow because of all the side character introductions and a bunch of conflict occurrences as well as filler details, but it is interesting because it really brings you into their world where the quality of food really is everything.
Art: I'm someone who is pretty picky about artwork in anime. I'd say it's decent. It gets the emotions across, and the detailing of the food is enough to make your mouth water sometimes, but it isn't spectacular.
Character: I think that as the story progresses Yukihira grows more as well as Megumi but other than those two, there is not much detailing the lives of the other characters aside from brief mentions. I do like that Yukihira is not immediately the best at what he does, although it's not as though he's not on a competing level with the best. I like that he has to learn new things and improve himself, because it shows that he isn't like the protagonists of some anime who only need to lift a finger to blow everyone away. I also like that his enemies have fight too, and special characteristics that Yukihira lacks himself but he makes up for it through research and relying on his friends and personal experiences.
Enjoyment/Overall: I think it's very good for what it is. I enjoyed watching it when it first came out because it branches away from the usual topics of fighting and romance towards a more universal topic that almost anyone can enjoy: watching people cook food. I'm excited for the second season but to be honest I don't like waiting for it so I'm already caught up on the manga. Yay for food wars ^_^