Oh man, where should I even begin with Koukaku No Pandora. First, the show didn't have much of a "wow" factor to me. I wanted to like it because it certainly was unique in its own ways however, it lacked entertainment and engaging story. Surprisingly, it failed to keep me interested and entertained. To me it seemed like the characters were forced to be cute. To explain a bit further it was like in the directors and animators minds, they were saying "Oh lets force a clueless reaction face or cute face on Nene or Clarion to make them look cute." Rather than having things like that happen naturally, it was like everything was forced, and the animators, producers etc were telling me to enjoy it, however it was just so unappealing.
Story- 6/10
The story wasn't doing much for me. I could not find any joy or pleasure in watching for the story or plot... I did not feel like anything could've stood out. Like, for me, there was no real "wow factor."
Art- 8/10
To a certain extent, I did like the character designs. I love cyborgs, androids, etc so seeing characters with mechanical parts is always pretty rad. I mentioned earlier that my biggest dislike was the reaction faces. I felt like they overdid the reaction faces. I strongly felt like it wasn't necessary at all to have reaction faces after every 2 sentences or so. The biggest thing that I disliked, about the whole damn series (In art department) was B.U.E.R. Single most annoy-ingest character in the show.
I hate it's design that stupid third leg (penis pun, I'm assuming.) B.U.E.R was a huge pain to look at.
Sound- 7/10
Yet another series where I didn't pay much attention to the soundtrack or BGM. I sort of hate shows like these. There are shows where the soundtracks really stand out and some shows where it's so dull or generic sounding that I don't really pay it much mind. This is one of those. Moving on to the actual voice actors, I don't think that this show would count as one of their best roles. Except for Junpei, he's hardly in anything anymore. Overall, not too impressed.
Characters 6/10
I couldn't like them, as mentioned earlier, they had too many faults for me. Not appealing in personality nor appearance. Characters in the show came off to me as more annoying than cute or anything else.
Overall, I seriously wanted to like this show. I thought at first that it had a really cute vibe to it so I figured "why not watch it." In the end I just do not think it was worth watching... Go figure huh?
Final thoughts, Unfortunately Koukaku no Pandora just didn't live up to my standards or exceptions. I was very disappointed with this series in the long run. My overall rating is 5/10 it could perhaps be a lot better if certain events were taken seriously.