
Dec 16, 2015
Now, before writing this review I wondered what would I get by analyzing a show like this piece by piece. It’s no mystery that this show is bad and it would be pointless to even write a review. But, then I realized that maybe High School of the Dead has more issues other than just its fanservice.
Curious what I mean by that?

Well, we will find out in today’s review

An unknown virus spreads in the world causing people to turn into you guessed it zombies. The story starts off at your average Japanese high school- where you see teenagers dealing with your average adolescent bullshit. However, things take quite the turn when bam the entire place is invested with brain hungry zombies. Now, our journey a group of students as they fight to survive this zombie apocalypse.

Now, a zombie anime sounds like some entertaining shit. Sure, nothing that might be considered anything close to a masterpiece but entertaining nonetheless. However, then the creators had this other idea which was to input all the annoying anime clichés into it to make it as popular as possible , hence to generate a shit tonne of money. It’s like they tried mixing everything that makes a show sell and so that's how this show came into fruition.

I mean, what does High School of the Tits, not have that any popular anime doesn’t? Well let’s see it has a harem, a forced romance, blood and gore, bitchy tsunderes, bath house scenes, a cliché shonen protagonist and of course let’s not forget the oh so glorious fanservice. However, it’s like when creating the show they made sure to really turn up the fanservice cause sex sells baby, reason why the porn industry is booming so much!

Don’t ask me why I know that though!

There is nothing worth mentioning about the story as I feel its non-existent. Nothing about the virus or the zombies is given much importance- and like I mentioned earlier becomes your typical fanservy harem with the added bonus of boobs. I mean, it’s like they didn’t even try to have a decent story which is the real problem I have.

As a heterosexual female, boob physics and panty shots were just not enough to keep me interested. Hence, at times I got really bored watching High School of the Sluts. If a show should be made, then I believe it should have something for everyone. But, this show is obviously targeted towards horny fifteen year old boys- so in a sense I feel like this show hates me more than I hate it!

Now, RosarioVampire is another supernatural ecchi series that I enjoyed despite how bad it was. And that was mainly due to the characters. However, it pains me to say that this show doesn’t even have that. The characters range from being bland to downright annoying and despicable. The main lead Takashi like I mentioned earlier is your stereotypical protagonist and heck even looks like it. He is the most tolerable out of all these characters which is the biggest compliment I can give him. The romance between him and Rei was cheesy as hell- and he even delivered some of the dumbest lines when trying to act cool as he protected Rei.

One character that truly disappointed me was Saeko. She started out to be this badass chick but ended up being another girl in the main lead’s harem which brought her character down by several notches.

The character that I hated the most other than that crazy pedophilic teacher was Saya- a pink haired bitchy tsundere. Throughout this series I wanted her dead so badly, because all she does is act like a know it all and doesn’t know when to shut up. They portray her as somewhat of a tragic heroine but at the end she is nothing but a whiny bitch who I would never associate myself with in real life. Oh and Shizuka is hands down the most useless character I have ever come across in any show and her uselessness is such a major factor that I had to mention. The only redeeming quality I would say that the characters have is that surprisingly they were given character development and we got to know about most of them. Like that impressed me but it wasn’t enough for me to care about any of them.

The animation was I can’t believe I am saying this was done by Madhouse, whom I freaking adore to death. Yeah, it amazes me that the same studio who made One Punch Man and Death Note also made High School of the Never-ending Panty Shots. The colours were kind of muted- which was suited for this show’s atmosphere. The character designs were nothing outstanding and I feel like the animation truly shines during yes the fanservy bits. Which I leave up to you to decide is whether a bad or good thing. Yes, not one of Madhouse’s best works but for what they had they did a solid job.

The opening is what I consider the best part of this anime and I honest to God never skipped it. I still listen to it now and then- and it was probably the main reason I even bothered watching the entire show. Yes, the fanservy bits in that are also cringy but it is easy to ignore when you have got such a good song.

So, the reason why I disliked this show so much is mainly due to the lack of any actual story and its lame ass characters – which are like the main pillars in making any show stand out. It is honestly nothing but softcore porn and I was bored a lot by this show. But, it wasn’t downright terrible that I wanted to gouge out my eyes. I know many mercilessly bash on the show for its fanservice- but I feel like that if you should hate this show then hate it should because of how much wasted potential it has. Well, that and the fanservice because that too is unbelievably unbearable.

With all that in mind I am going to give this show a 4 out of 10 and that you should trash it. It wasn’t the worst thing I ever watched but it didn’t pass by any means either. However, if you need something to fap to then look no further as I present to you High School of the Dead!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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