Just a disclaimer, I can see what the other reviews refer to, lack of story and sucky plot, etc. However I feel like the most important part of Rolling Girls was the character development, which I have not seen covered in the reviews I have read. This series might not be for everyone; those who like a plot intensive series will not find it here (there is a plot but each episode more or less has episodic plots (a plot may extend to 2-3 episodes along with the main plot that is barely there except for the last 3 ep.). Many may compare it to Kill-la-Kill (i did until i got 3 ep. into the series) however those who like klk may not even like Rolling Girls (but i digress)
Back to the main point, I feel like this series should be judged mostly on what it claims to be.
ACTION: Looking at the genres, yes it is slightly action however action fans may be slightly disappointed at the lack of fights throughout the mid-part of the series so I would down mark that, say..5/10. The fights that ARE there are actually pretty well drawn and eye-candy. If the series were to have had more fighting scenes, those that like this genre would enjoy this series quite a bit but sadly it is lacking for it to be tagged Action :p
ADVENTURE: "Adventure fiction is a genre of fiction in which an adventure, an exciting undertaking involving risk and physical danger, forms the main storyline" According to this definition, Rolling Girls is accurately placed into the Adventure genre. They travel all throughout divided Japan risking their lives as reps for the Best of the heroine's hometown. Can't argue much there. 8/10
SUPER POWER: Now here comes the interesting part. Super powers are shown all throughout the series. The Bests are the ones with the fantastic shiny powers while the Rests are our everyday common folk. This makes up a big part of our plot (which is pretty lacking in a way). These superpowers are shown throughout the series in different ways, through races, fights, etc. but I also feel like it is shown through the heroines. To keep this spoiler free, throughout the adventure the heroines discover more about themselves and find out what their superpower is (not as in the literal superpower, whether or not they have them is up to you, potential watcher, to watch >83) It may not be official but I feel like I should put up my opinion somewhere :pp 10/10 (in all ways possible >83)
SLICE OF LIFE: Despite the fights you may see in ep. 1 and 2, this is DEFINITELY a slice of life. The heroines go on a journey to represent a tiny town and discover more about themselves and their inner strengths as they progress into their little adventure. If you put aside the ridiculous fighting scenes and plot and actually look at the characters themselves, you'll definitely see the Slice of Life in there. Just imagine.
It's getting pretty lengthy however I feel like all those other reviews are scaring off people who'd like this series too ;A;. Yes, the plot is lackluster however the characters are great. They may seem like annoying moe girls (I thought so too) however the ending changed things for me :p. I would've given this series a 7-8/10 however that last bit towards the ending made me look at the series from a different perspective. This may not happen to everyone however I feel like it's important to atleast note that. Hopefully this review was not too lengthy/ doesn't-scare-you away-from-the-series. Many may agree to disagree on this comment however I hope that for those of you who read this that it might change how you see the show. It isn't the best series out there however I feel like it is under-rated (and in no way am I over-rating it, I just want people out there it is worth a try)
Thanks for reading and hopefully this review will leave you thinking (even if it is just a tiny bit like 0.01% or something >.