What starts out as a William Shakespeare heavy drama quoting ridiculously in the first episode, ends up becoming one of the most amazing pieces of art I've ever watched.
It was fantastic.
If you watched the first episode like I did back in 2013, pick up the series again. The characters do not quote Hamlet as much as they did in the first episode, and even when they do, you realize why.
There's a few good reasons.
Story: Excellent. Moves a little slow at times, but great!
Art: Lovely character designs, but Bones did great choreography as usual for the fights. A little Shounen Ai/Shoujo style though at times (feminine looking guys).
Sound: Good Voice acting, good OST's, but I gave it a 9 as it was weaker than the rest of the show. I LOVED opening 2 though.
Enjoyment: 10/10.
Overall: Watch it. It's great. No, it's excellent. One of my favorites.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Screw the mods for removing this review ;).