
Jan 9, 2015
Mahouka, despite what it may appear, it isn't an action show, and it isn't really a harem or even romance show. What it is, rather, is a Science Fiction show that just happens to contain some anime cliches and stereotypes, for better and for worse. Mahouka is very centered on world-building and introducing it's viewers to the ins and outs of it's setting, as well as creating a plot that centers very heavily on said world-building.

Story(8) - Mahouka introduces us to a world where magic has been slowly gaining prominence, and is on the cusp of changing the political and technological landscape of the planet. Mahouka starts off with Tatsuya Shiba, the protagonist of the show, arriving at First High, one of several academies that are dedicated to the advancement and study of magic. Magicians are ranked according to their proficiency in casting spells as well as their ability to influence "Psions", particles that are the catalyst of Magic. While Tatsuya is ranked as one of the lower class students, various events bring him to the attention of the student council, who quickly realize that while he may have been ranked low on the tests, Tatsuya's practical and real-world application of magic far outstrips any of his other classmates, and he is inducted as a member of the discipline enforcement branch, to show off his inner kirito to all the other helpless non-main characters in the story.

Well it's easy to see where the anime influence shows itself, but right around here is where the show starts to get interesting (also i will be refraining from mentioning any further specific story points, can;t have too many spoilers)

At this point the show starts to really shine in my eyes, as it starts to focus on the interactions of magicians, and the work said magicians do. In a nutshell, the first arc covers the politics of First High, the Second Arc Covers the interplay between the academies, and the third arc focuses on the use of magicians in conflict between countries. Mahouka is at it's best when you can sit down and marathon and entire arc(typically 7-8 episodes) in one go. The story doesn't hold up very well when watched piece mental, as some episodes can be nothing but exposition, while some episodes can be entirely devoted to conflict. Either way, the story holds together quite nicely, and escalates at just the right pace, giving you time to adjust to the new scope of action.

Art(8) - The animation in Mahouka is what you would expect of an anime coming out in 2014, the visuals and characters all look anime, and there is never really a drop in quality at any point in the story (Even the CGI is implemented responsibly, something that is often hit-or-miss in shows). The artistic design team did an excellent job, the cities and outfits all have an interesting blend of modern style and architecture pushed through a futuristic filter. The magic spells are a great treat to watch, the smoothly implemented special effects make the spells appear both menacing and otherworldly.

Sound(9) - The music of Mahouka fits the theme of the show perfectly, with varied techno, dubstep and otherwise "current" music trends. While I normally wouldn't think of a "wub wub" kind of mix fitting this anime, it surprisingly does the job, and actually gets you pumped up in the action scenes. The sound effects are both visceral and well designed, with very little stock sound effects thrown in, most if not all of the design seems to have been originally created for the show. If you have headphones or a decent surround sound, definitely use those.

Characters (6) - The characters of Mahouka are for the most part quite likable, and despite the sheer number of supporting cast, each person has their own distinguishing feature to help set them apart. While the show doesn't make time to explain the backstory of nearly anyone, it doesn't really detract from the interactions they have with one another, leading to varied and enjoyable dialogue. Since they are the main focus of the show, i'll do a quick analysis of the lead protagonists.
Tatsuya- The protagonist of Mahouka, Tatsuya is a reserved young man with ties to one of the most powerful magician families who is trying to strike out on his own. While Tatsuya may initially appear to be the completely overpowered hero who can do no wrong, we quickly realize that if your job name is "magician" your so far above normal humans that Tatsuya no longer appears to be the god he initially seems to be. Part of this is how the show goes in depth to the mechanics of how magic works, and how Tatsuya approaches Magic. The further into the show we go, the more Tatsuya appears to be a person who has achieved such strength through equal parts natural talent and hard work. This makes all the difference between a character who is insanely strong for plot convenience, and a character who actually deserves to kick so much ass his foot smells permanently of farts.
Miyuki- Now on to the reason characters received a 6. Miyuki is Tatsuya's doting sister and...thats it really. Her character is so unbelievably devoid of, well, character. Her sole purpose is to say "onii-sama" every chance she gets, and to generally be a bitch. Matters are not helped by the fact that she is the overpowered for no reason archetype, and we aren;t ever given any explanation for why she is so absurdly strong. Her annoyance is further compounded by the fact that she figures prominently in every arc, so we are never really given a chance to forget her.

Enjoyment (8) - Despite Miyuki dragging down the show, as well as some very uneven pacing in the episode by episode info dumps, Mahouka is easily one of my favorite Sci-Fi shows to come out in awhile(Live action included, not just limited to anime). The mechanics of the Mahouka's world are genuinely entertaining and interesting to watch, and excellent production values just make the ride even more enjoyable.

In closing, if you are looking for a heavy-duty science fiction show, I would highly recommend Mahouka. If you aren't into sci-fi, or are looking for just some mindless action fun, DO NOT assume this show has these characteristics. Scientific exposition and even some political intrigue are the main courses of Mahouka, while action is just a delicious side-dish.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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