
Dec 24, 2014
tl;dr A truly amazing show with brilliant art and sound, and an intriguing and massively entertaining story with great characters that can only be summarized in one word: Epic. You need to watch Gurren Lagann.

Gurren Lagann. What a ride it was.

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the mecha genre. I've never seen the big appeal in it, but the animation and action is usually good enough to keep me entertained, even if I don't care for anything else.

Gurren Lagann is a special kind of mecha anime. Not only is the art/animation absolutely phenomenal (as expected in an anime such as this), but so are all the other components. The story is gripping, the sound design (both the ost and voice acting) is great, and the characters are relatable and massively enjoyable.

Story: 9
The story in Gurren Lagann was something special. Gurren Lagann's motto seems to be, based on comments I read in the forums during episodes and my own conclusion, "Throw logic out the window and do the impossible!" - and while normally this would be a problem for me, it just seemed to work flawlessly for it. The exaggerated, absurd nature of so many of the things you see makes Gurren Lagann a truly memorable and special show. However, don't think that the story is just purely exaggerated and ridiculous, scenes - there are some surprisingly deep scenes and underlying conflicts that will unfold to shake things up.

The first 2/3 of the show are basically setting up most of the characters, providing amazing action and battle scenes, and humor abound. There is a brief lull in the middle where things slow down severely, but it was necessary for the story to progress. Other than those 2 episodes or so, Gurren Lagann moves at a breakneck speed that will leave you speechless and entertained.

The final 1/3 of the show is, without a doubt, one of the most epic arcs I've seen in any medium ever. Every episode ratcheted up the tension to unbelievable levels, and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. Throughout the course of its 27 episodes, you experience all sorts of battles and trials with the main cast, and by the end, I can guarantee you'll share in both the elated feelings of accomplishment in the face of the greatest odds, and be punched in the stomach by the emotion present in other, simply put, beautiful scenes. While not a sad anime, certain scenes in the last few episodes left me tearing up because of the brilliant art direction, score, writing, and voice acting that formed an amazing combination.

IAmSovereign said in his review, "The show that turns boys into men," and I have to say that I wholly agree with this statement. At its core, this story is one of growth, of the main character Simon breaking out of his shell as a 14 year old boy and becoming someone else, someone more mature. But he's not the only one to experience growth - basically every significant character throughout the series experiences wonderful and relatable character development, and I can guarantee that by the end, no character is the same as they were when they were first introduced.

IAmSovereign (go read his review if you haven't, it's very good) also said it best with "An endlessly thrilling ride from the most humble beginnings to the most fantastic of ends." I couldn't agree more with this line. The escalation of the intensity and story is quite remarkable.

Are there some issues? Sure. Sometimes it feels like the mechas gain certain powers for the sake of advancing the story or convenience for the characters, and some plot devices aren't fully explained (well, they are explained, just much later than one would expect - but at least even some of the crazier things get some logical explanation as the meanings behind things are revealed. It's pretty impressive that just about every absurd plot device/hole is explained later on in a way that makes sense). But when the story is just this much FUN to watch, you can't let these things detract from it too much.

The themes throughout the anime are ones of companionship, growth and maturity, and courage and sacrifice, and the way they stay consistently present over the entire duration is truly remarkable. The ways that each character comes to terms with these themes is a joy to watch, and I feel like I myself understand these values more having watched this anime.

In summary, Gurren Lagann's story is a fast-paced, breathtaking, enjoyable romp through the space time continuum that can only be summarized in one word: Epic.

Art/Animation: 9
The art in Gurren Lagann is also quite good. The character animations are good, but what really shines in a show such as this are the very frequent battle scenes. The animation in these scenes is spectacular, and left me in awe at some of the pure insanity going on on-screen throughout. Emotion is portrayed well, and every character has a significant trait that defines them. One of the best things about the art direction was the way two main characters were paralleled in design towards the end, and I guarantee it has the potential to choke up even the most toughened veterans of the genre, and anime in general.

Sound: 10
The OST in Gurren Lagann is nothing short of amazing. The OP and ED were perfect choices that just ooze epicness every time you hear them. Every time the OP came on, I got pumped up for the inevitable chaos and rollercoaster of a ride that each episode was. The score is perfect - some songs fit more towards funny scenes, others toward serious scenes, others for casual scenes, others for development and speeches, and others for the most epic scale battles of all. As I sit here listening to "With Your Drill, Pierce The Heavens!", off the OST (the 3:38 version), I'm on the verge of tearing up as I remember the journey the characters went through, the lives that were lost, and the scenes it was played in (it is a prime example of a perfect OST song). Other standout tracks include "Viral's Theme", "With Your Drill, The Heavens..." (a beautiful song from one of the most emotional scenes of the entire show), "Adai Village's Decosuke", "Sorairo Days", and "To Hell With Gattai".

Not only was the OST amazing, but the voice acting was also brilliant. Having compared both the sub and dub, I can say that regardless of which method of watching anime you prefer, you're in for a treat - though I must say that this is one of the best English dubs I've heard - every character was cast absolutely perfectly and brought to life, especially Viral, Simon, Ron, Kamina, and Kittan.

Character: 10
The characters of Gurren Lagann were simultaneously some of the funniest, most relatable, and most entertaining characters of any anime I've seen. As mentioned under the story section, there is significant character growth, and the way each character grows and changes will leave you satisfied. The personalities of them are so diverse, and yet each one was perfect in the overall picture. The sheer cast of personalities that make up Team Dai-Gurren leaves me impressed and cheering them on every step of the way.

The writing of the characters was amazing, and the dialogue they delivered was nothing short of absolutely spectacular. There are so many quotes that I was jotting down throughout the show, especially in the first few and last few episodes. "Just who the hell do you think I am?", "Believe in the me that believes in you", "Let's see you grit those teeth!", one of the final speeches delivered that I won't post here... all are quotes that will stick with me for a long time. The way certain quotes were repeated over the course of the show, like the three listed above, also just raised the meaning and impact behind them more and more each time.

I was attached to each and every character, even the minor ones, down to the last seconds of the show and even now, after having finished it. I feel like I can't do justice describing just how wonderful the characters are. You need to watch it to understand how I feel about them.

Enjoyment: 10
Frankly, you just need to watch it. This was one of the most entertaining animes I have ever watched, and likely ever will watch. The story is so, so entertaining, the art and animation are amazing, the sound design, from the OST to the voice actors, are perfect, and the characters make up one of the best casts of any anime to date. If any piece of my review has resonated with you or piqued your interest, you owe it to yourself to give Gurren Lagann a shot. You won't regret it.

Overall: 9.5/10
(Note: When originally writing the review, I rounded down to a 9, but after the lasting impression it's given me over the past 2 months I've decided to round it to a 10).

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Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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