Kokoro Connect is an intriguing series, with interesting characters, realistic reactions to strange events and wonderful plot line.
Story (9/10)
When you watch the first few minutes of Kokoro Connect, it may seem like it's just another Slice of Life anime, a genre that's I'm not a huge fan of, but it's so much more than that.
Art (8/10)
Yes the art is fine and there is nothing wrong with it. It's very consistent and overall their fine character designs. However, it isn't my preference of animation style.
Sound (8/10)
The sound is a normal anime soundtrack and the voice acting is great to say the least.
Characters (9/10)
The characters are a little cliche in the very beginning, but they turn out to be the most realistic characters I've seen in anime so far. They react like a normal person would to the different experiences they go through.
Enjoyment (10/10)
I enjoyed this series a lot and personally love it. I recommend this show to people who aren't looking for your regular fast paced, run of the mill, anime about school life.