Jul 18, 2014
As for the Anime the story doesn't go as far as the Manga. (The Manga is approx. 345 chpt. I read it twice ♥) But the story is nothing too new nor too cliche, its your typical normal characters that have an alternate fate to them. Okay as much as I LOVE this Anime, (It is my favorite of all time!) The OP and music wasn't something to be favored for as to why I can't give it a perfect score of 10/10, but a 9/10. It's similar to a lot of Shounen series in that the Protagonist is stubborn, hot-headed, reckless, but has good morals c: The main character Yoshimori reminds me a lot of Rin from Blue Exorcist because of how reckless the two can, but how kind of hearts they have. I will admit it's not for all people some say its boring others say that it lacks character etc. and to an extent that's true but there's nothing without flaws. c: (Unless those flaws are overlooked with something so redeeming that it replaces the flaws, but music can't really be overlooked because MUSIC IS THE KEY TO SCENE SETTING, but I am a Musician ). I hope you can give it a shot c: c: c:
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