La stoira della Arcana Famiglia is an anime that can be summed up in one sentence, "cool guys doing cool things". This anime relies heavily on the friendships and characters, while the plot seems to "sneak" past the viewer, and have them wondering where it went. That's all good and well of you like watching pretty boys in suits and ties, but those who don' maybe wondering where the plot has escaped too. I must give this anime credit for one thing, it knocks all the filler episodes in the first three. This is a great get-away chance for those who aren't as patient as the ones who have sat through an entire episode devoted to a kitten, but those who have, might see an actual plot over this thundercloud of "cool guys doing cool things" summary.
After many, many depressing back-stories, hand-holding, lost kittens, and breast foundling, does the actual plot begin......on episode 11. Since this anime does rely so heavily on characters and the atmosphere, the characters are quite good and have a nice varieties of looks, voice, and how they carry themselves. The music is plains, besides the first opening, and doesn't really catch my eye. If you were expecting fighting, awesome battles, and other shounene features, you may want to skip this one. I can understand why you want to skip it, as even I wanted to even with my "DO NOT DROP" policy when doing reviews, I wanted to opt out as well. With immense concentration and many, many painstaking hours with my cursor hovering over the big X button, I ended up watching it.
This anime is a strange case of false advertisements, making the viewer think of "much action, less romance" while it's the complete opposite. Overall I give it a 6.01/10, as it was enjoyable (for the most part), but didn't quite live up to its name.