Based on the novel, it strays a little bit away at some points. The main theme and everything is still there. They also left out part of the ending in the novel, which is absolutely amazing. if you've finished watching this anime, I recommend you to read chapter 35 (last chapter) of the novel.
This is a very good anime and has you on the edge of your seat. The plot is great but it suffers from pacing issues. The earlier episodes and the last two episodes have so much crammed inside. While some of the middle episodes had very little point and barely anything happened in them at all.
The opening is alright and the ending is amazing. It totally fits the mood and although the soundtrack isn't perfect, the director knew where to fit it in. The art is great and the animation is definitely respectable.
Shion and Nezumi are very likable characters. Shion's over reliance on others and his "can't do anything on his own", personality may annoy some and seems very cliche. Shion is a very confusing person as well. One moment he's thinking about Safu, the girl he loves, and the next he kisses Nezumi. Definitely some gay undertones that felt unneeded and definite fanservice for girls. Personally, it didn't bother me too much but there are cringe-worthy moments.
Overall: A touching and emotional journey.A twist in the slice of life genre. Ending is short and may be confusing for those that haven't read the novel. You are left thinking part of the last episode got cut off. Unsatisfying conclusion to an otherwise great anime.