This anime is a MASTERPIECE.I typically don't really like slice of life anime but this was just amazing.
Story (10/10): The show's story is really simple. Two friends decide that they want to become the greatest mangakas that Japan has ever seen. The simplicity is what truly made this amazing and enjoyable. The anime showed the different challenges that the characters, Mashiro and Takagi, had to face, and it definitely had shounen aspects in it by the way that they never gave up.
Character (10/10): Each of the characters were really likable. Mashiro and Takagi were such funny characters and the way they never gave up was admirable. I believe that it was not only the main characters that made the show amazing but also the supporting characters. Each of the characters had such interesting quirks and characteristics.
Sound and Art (10/10): The first opening was really catchy, and the soundtracks were really good. They really fit the mood well. The art was really good with each background being defined clearly by its colors.
Overall, I would highly recommend this to anyone that likes slice of life anime.
Nov 23, 2013
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