Sign, that was beautiful, totally a very nice drama fantasy, so I'm not gonna f*** around and just present my ratings for this anime:
Story: fair 6.
I kinda like the drama fantasy thing that this 12 episode anime presents, but I find it hard to accept the concept of God abandoning the world, and the people of the world stopped giving birth and the dead becomes zombies that still functions like human and have to be brought down by grave keepers, let's face the story's logic really does contradict itself, In reality if God were abandons the world, then the end result is Armageddon. But in this anime/manga, the said God here is presented as this lazy landlord who just lets his grave keepers do the dirty-work and doesn't give a thing as to how things turns up. However, the drama supernatural fantasy is focus on Ai as she goes to one adventure to another, let's face it this anime is compose of 4 adventures that ranges from Ai being with Hampire Hamberg, to Ai being in the city of Ortus, to the great escape from Goran Academy and the mystery of the class of 3-4 in Ostia, and I did like the the end drama where such ending was very touching, but I limit it to such score since one shouldn't ignore this anime's contradicting paradigm.
Art: Poor 3.
Aside from the huge heads and slim body that were ill proportioned , I'm a bit disappointed that there isn't much of fanservice around it.
Sound: Mediocre 6.
Since there isn't anything for me to comment about it.
Character: Fair 6.
Ok, this anime is all about Ai the half human half gravekeeper in fact this anime's 4 part adventure usually composes of various support characters whom are part of each adventure. So I'm just gonna focus on her, I like her sweet and caring characteristics, but I'm a bit annoyed by her being this naive and being too caring attitude that she really doesn't leave anybody behind even at the risk of the majority, also I'm a bit disappointed that this anime totally places Scar and Julie Sakuma Dmitriyevich as thirdier characters, thought the two looks good being together, anime director Yūji Kumazawa could have properly utilize their character to add more to this anime fantasy. genre.
Enjoyment: good 7.
In spite of this anime's contradicting paradigm, it was still enjoyable enough to be viewed as a fantasy drama as the main character Ai goes from one adventure to the next with different support characters and that's that.
Overall: good 7.
Overall it's good since every adventure of this anime has do have a happy ending and that's as good as it gets.
Adios muchachos.