
Jul 25, 2013
Now before beginning a few things that I need to say. I haven't watched the original 009 series which was aired before i was even born but I have watched the 2001 remake when it aired in my country. I have forgotten most of the storyline but I do remember bits and pieces and the feeling that I had when watching it. Cyborg 009 (2001) was possibly the second anime I watched and it was absolutely stunning! at that time. My review down below is taking into consideration what I felt when I first watched the series.

When I watched the movie I was initially excited at the way they had changed the character designs and added a touch of freshness.

For those of you who have already watched any of the previous series, NOSTALGIA IS ILL ADVISED. Yes, the characters are a bit nostalgic, yes the action is a bit nostalgic and yes, the overhaul with CG looks amazing initially BUT here are somethings you may not swallow very well. (Forgive me if they seem irate.)

One, I may not remember the 2001 series that well but I most certainly definitely absolutely remember it was lucid and simple plot that my childish brain could follow with ease. Okay, so that generation is all grown up and needs adult material, alright... BUT that does not mean you should make it into some freakin' goddamn Evangelion plot with HIS voice governing all. Yeah, yeah I know you don't give a damn about God but why use it just to give your plot some pseudo-intellectual pseudo-religious air. I mean was 009 ever this psychological?! Hell no. WTF is Freud doing in a sci-fi, battle anime which was much better without that complex mind-curdling crap.
If i want to watch psychological complexity and Freud's theories I'd much rather watch Evangelion and Ergo Proxy. They just ruined a totally fine storyline because they couldn't come with an antithesis? Man, I'm beyond words at this.

Two, the characters. Well given the short timespan, they did a fine job at introducing the characters. But they cannot be fleshed out as well as they were in the series. The sense of familiarity is reduced because the characters hardly get much time except 009 of course. The rest have to spew the stupid psychological shit in the extremely limited time they get. I'm wondering if they forgot about half of the team less than halfway through the movie. But well I liked Joe and Francoise, and their little eyecandy, so ok...

Third, the art and animation. In my view it is clearly rushed and subpar. If they think that CG can make it astounding they are so wrong. The character designs are more elaborate but not well rounded. The animation is clearly so stiff that I am thoroughly disappointed. This possibly due to overuse of CG in every aspect. Guess they didn't want much fine-tuned work on it eh? But the backgrounds and special effects are done quite well.

If you can get past all of those this movie is enjoyable enough. The action scenes are fine and the sound tracks are good. For someone like me who was a big fan of the original series, it is enjoyable even if a turnoff.

Bottomline, Rushed anime, Altered plot, Unneeded improvisation but worth a watch.

LOL I seem really sarcastic here. But believe, it is worth watching even if just for the eye candy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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