Fullmetal Alchemist, Tegamibachi Recommendations

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Perhaps it's the distinctive blue uniforms and mixed public attitude towards a prominent government agency that early episodes portray the main characters trying, and eventually succeeding, to join, each for their own personal motivations - but Tegami Bachi gives me the same sort of vibe that the earlier episodes of FMA did. Either way, both are good, not-too-ridiculously-long series with a shounen bent that can still be enjoyed by members of both genders. Both feature unique fantasy settings derived from similar real life time periods, as well as extensive travel through these places as part of the plot, delving into the lives of   read more
report Recommended by EnigmaticPenguin
- Both animes feature a young protagonist with special powers who joins a government institution as a mean to pursue his personal quest. - Both animes have their characters deal with complex human situations where what's right or wrong is not always obvious. - Both animes take place in an alternative world where the government seems to hold some kind of mysteries.
report Recommended by Flashmud
First of all, both series involves a setting that is beyond human understanding in our present time. Both series features the adventure like style genre with mixture of action, comedy, drama, and some emotional moments. Both series also consists of organizations as there are also similar characters present in terms of personalities and backgrounds.
report Recommended by Stark700
Both have an orphaned protagonist with tragic past and they join a goverment owned occupation that is actually corrupt and has dark secrets that the protagonists do not know about but some unfortunate others do...
report Recommended by Otaku365
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