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All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 67.3
Mean Score: 7.96
  • Total Entries441
  • Rewatched0
  • Episodes4,063
Anime History Last Anime Updates
Binbougami ga!
Binbougami ga!
Sep 29, 2012 11:44 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 10
Fate/Zero 2nd Season
Fate/Zero 2nd Season
Aug 28, 2012 11:49 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 9
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai.
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai.
Jul 15, 2012 1:46 AM
Watching 1/12 · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 8.0
Mean Score: 8.30
  • Total Entries20
  • Reread0
  • Chapters1,435
  • Volumes102
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Sep 11, 2012 10:56 PM
Completed 61/61 · Scored 8
Medaka Box
Medaka Box
Apr 24, 2012 8:02 PM
Reading 17/194 · Scored -
GE: Good Ending
GE: Good Ending
Apr 24, 2012 8:01 PM
Reading 123/158 · Scored -

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brendaz066 Oct 8, 2012 1:40 PM
A pobre Stew, te tienen aislado en el trabajo. Creo que ya saven
lo que realmente ases en el descanso y antes jajaja, cuidado,
que no te cachen! jajaja

Bueno, epese a ver " binbougami" y me gusto! Es una risa total y
muchos chistes sobre animes favoritos, pero lo que me gusto mas
es que trata de una chica que no es nada como lo comun en animes,
tonta, enamorada, y todo eso y lo mismo.

"Hetakoi", creo que ya lei esta manga, pero no me gusto tanto.
Luego te mando una lista a ver si ten gustan algunas de las que e leido,
son algo similar pero, aver si :]

No, no, te entiendo, estos dias e pensado mucho sobre lo mismo
y me pregunto, cuando bendra el dia que reciba dinero por solo respirar,
pero ni al caso :/ ... Si te da mucha suerte un dia y te ases rico, comparte,
si me llegara a pasar lo mismo, igual, ayi te dejo saver.
brendaz066 Oct 3, 2012 10:35 PM
Si algún día quieres ver aguja K-novela te
recomiendo, tiene
una larga lista de las mejores K-novelas,
con subs en Engles, incluye algunas
Thailandesas y Japonesas pero es comp
Koreana mas que nada, muy buena.

Hmm binbougami, se ve interesante, tendre
que chequiar el primer ep :]

Sabes, tengo un amigo que conosi aquí en
MAL y ase Codigos para paginas web, asi
que el esta asiendo este App que se puede
usar en FB para usar MAL en el. Ui, cuando
dige usar el MAL sono real mente "mal"
como si fuera hacker o algo así jajaja.
Qual no es, ok O_O

Eso de mi Creative Block va mas o menos,
tengo algunos buenos siguidores y trato de
hacer update quando puedo pero en realidad
no e podido meterle el tiempo que quisiera
a este proyecto :/ hmm

Porque tan triste con lo de trabajo, con esta
economia estas en beuna pocision. Animo
y echale muchas ganas :D
brendaz066 Sep 26, 2012 10:37 PM
Se entiende, igual yo.
Casi no veo tanto anime, si meto a MAL es para buscar manga,
pero estos días lo que veo mas son novelas S-Koreanas, enserio,
antes yo miraba estas novelas y todos estaban metidos en el anime
y cosas Japonesas, y ahora no le paran con el k-pop y todo jaja

Sabias que MAL esta en Facebook verdad? Asi que ya no tienes que
hacer login o anadir anime/manga atravez de MAL si no por FB y igual
puedes compartir que shows estas viendo y en que cap vas con amigos
o mantenerlo secreto también jaja

Bueno, ya que trabajas tanto no as de estar tan mal verdad, que bien,
sigue sacando la lana y comparte :3
brendaz066 Sep 13, 2012 2:38 PM
pense que ya no le entrabas al MAL jaja :]
brendaz066 Dec 14, 2011 7:34 PM
Yeah, I watched it
Some of the calls were really odd and a lot were late calls
The ref. was relying way too much on the side refs.
Unbelievable! Second again... but lets be honest, Santos
stopped doing a lot of things this second game, loosing a
player a lot of times ends up working better for a team...
I really thought they were going to be sent home with like
8 goals to 1 :O
brendaz066 Nov 27, 2011 11:06 PM
Hmm, thinking about it you did mention GE but I didn't get around it
Till recently since I was reading other things plus work and yeah...
Kidnaped! I verily get to use my computer at all, my sisters are always
Using it so that's why I'm slow on all the new shows -___- that's why
I'm thinking of buying another one.

I tried to connect my sis desktop but for some reason it doesn't register
The modem or wifi reads some popup -weird T_T? Aaaw

Well, works been great, I've had the chance to design some very neat logos
For several customers and also layed out their business cards and other things
Many happy clients ;D ...i'm going to upload a few designs and ill for sure send
you the link...can you sahre any of your new work progress? Id like to see what
You do too :)

Ps. I got back into watching some soccer this weekend... saw how Crus Azul got
Killed by their ex plares, chivas got eliminated by Queretaro haha lol, Pachuca
Made a sad sad game, and wow your Santos got into the semifinals...
Who do you think is going to be champs:?
brendaz066 Nov 23, 2011 5:05 PM
Well, at least you know how to swim, but amazed you still went for it :]

Yeah, I gave that card game a check-out, yeah the art is nice, and they
are crazy enough to love a game that deals with old-poetry songs and
we are just as weird for watching it lol

Aw! Good thing you reminded me about the second season of Working!
I loved the first season, wow, I've really been out of anime-update :/
I was reading a manga called "GE - Good Ending" its entertaining :)

As you may see, I've still been out of date with shows, as my computer
continues to be kidnapped like everyday, it's like its not even mine T__T
I'm so going to put a password on this thing to keep them away :P

So, how is work going :?
brendaz066 Nov 12, 2011 10:33 PM
Yeah, I know that my spelling is bad, though I try to write it
out as readable as I can...

You were actually in Manzanillo when it all happened 0_0!
How did it all began, was it like normal when you got there
and then suddenly a storm just rushed through? or did it
happen over a few days?...I haven't experienced anything
that severe so I'm curious, still, luckily nothing bad happened
to you.

I thought you would be confused but then again I felt it you
would get it since I'd added TIME = "US TIME" lol

Well, I was watching a few eps of this anime "Chihayafuru"
Think I saw it on your profile, well, its alright, that card game
they play in the series is...strange but the art its not bad.
Still, nothing super great to watch yet.

"Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai" may be that good one I am
waiting for BUT it's still airing so I'll wait for a few more eps. :)
brendaz066 Nov 8, 2011 1:11 PM
You make it seem like I am really horrible at Spanish
well, actually, I really may be... I don't really have
anyone to constantly speak Spanish to or that has
better knowledge of terminology for more expressive
words, so it's complicated sometimes to translate or
speak more fluently... puro espanglish aqui, yeah no
good, that's why sometimes I feel so awkward when
I go to Mexico, because my Spanish dictionary is limited.
So, help me Stew :/

You weren't in Manzanillo when that happened, right0_0?
Really strange weather this closing year.

You got a raise! Wow, that is pretty amazing, I knew you
were a talented one. Very, very nice. So what's this
business name:?

LOL, US TIME. You don't get it? It just means "US" Time as to
make "time for OURselves" not United States hahaha XD
I know you are Mexican hahaha XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lols...
brendaz066 Nov 5, 2011 1:21 AM
Hola :D! No, I won't write in Spanish, so, whatever ;P

Aw, its fine if you reply a little late as long as you don't
really forget to reply at some point.

Who isn't busy these days? Everyone seems to be in a tight
schedule, I too have not had much me time either, it's usually
work, errands, chores, family.......etc... you know, stuff*
So, don't feel sad either if I miss out on MAL or FB a bit k :/

So, how is Manzanillo? I've heard of that place before but I
don't have an idea of how it is-_0? So, what's this new work:?
Hope things are moving smoothly for you.

Wrote too much, well, one more thing... Take care Stew,
lets get some US TIME and chat soon k :)
brendaz066 Oct 26, 2011 10:32 PM
brendaz066 Sep 30, 2011 8:37 PM
Yeah, you are a hater hahaha XD lol, why do you have to be such a turn off
Can't talk about any shows with you anymore ;P
Yeah, that one one word in one line just for you :D ha' jk
Nah, I don't really mind, some people just don't like some stuff that's all and
you just happen to be that person that doesn't like a lot of things ;D jk jk ok
I get it... lets talk about something we do like o-k :]

Aw, really people been saying bad stuff about Santos :O Aaaawh
Don't worry Stewie, they'll be champs for sure :3 in another 13yrs and
after they get better at penalties wuahahaha XD

Ok-ok, I'm being mean but you get that cause you've been having a bad case
of animanga "good sharing" and chatting...i.e. it started the day you said my
spanish was bad and it's just been going downhill since then...
Are you stressed out Stew ....too much work hu -_0? :)
brendaz066 Sep 29, 2011 6:33 PM
Nope, I haven't started it yet but it sure looks worth the while
though, it kind of reminds me of one I'm reading called MX0
but except this guy is town into a magic school and he has no
such powers so he always has to fake his way out of messes,
it's actually pretty hilarious and the style looks a bit alike :]

I've been slow on my shows and readings these days, so busy:/
What Mr. Brendaz, with my schedule its hard :P lol

Tigres is though, good luck for Xolos, if they don't win this one
then hope is really going to go down the drain all the way...
at least they beat Santos wuahahaha XD lol jk jk
brendaz066 Sep 26, 2011 9:17 PM
haha lol, its ok if you don't like it, it's not for everyone,
if it was it would be a full hit

What? Really, you haven't read or watched the movie
"Lord of the flies"? You probably have, it's played on tv
every now and then.

I don't mind devil/demon/angel/fantacy stuff as long as
it has a descent story/plot to it.

Yeah, by the looks of it Xolos are def. not going to last:/
Ohs, our family's friend is now the coach for Atlas, aw,
they were doing so well and then they got overturned but
they will better :}
brendaz066 Sep 19, 2011 11:46 PM
WHAAAAT o____o!!!? You insult me are you kidding me!
What sort of otaku would I be if I never watched any of
the most famous manga stories ever >__<
"Gundam Wing" was my personal favorite, great illustration,
the story was nice and short but full of action and I think
it had my most favorite Gundams of all the series there are:]
Well, I don't love mecha a stuff much but Gundam is one of
the best there is :3

"Good Ending" looks great, I think I'll read some of, but
I hate it when they are still airing -__- hmm (added anyways)
" Eden no Oori" sounds a lot like "Lord of the Flies" (none manga noble)
very intense as well, a group of kids get stranded in an island after
the boat they were carried on was sunk during ww2...very similar plot-_0

I just finished reading a manga called "Defence Devil" It was alright :]

Poor Xolos, I would hope they'd stayed, since it makes it close to watch
other teams, but they may be out of luck :/
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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