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~NickName: Sol
~occupation: sessionist, guitarist / Vocals(RAIKA)..
~vampire name: Aelfric Moor
~Known in some parts of the world as "Hyperion of Bats and Shadows"
~The Great Archives Record- Slipping amongst the shadows, flitting between dark places, always quiet..
~a simple person but sometimes acts like a perfectionist..
~rides a motorbike..
~like to listen to songs that usually immitate my life..(especialy to when listening to the songs of ajikan.)
~like to watch: Anime, Informative Shows, Music Shows, movies
~love to do live acts..
~like to surf the net, chat, forums..
~like going out to the place where i never knew..
~like to stay awake until 5:00 o'clock in the morning while wathing DVD Movies Or Series..
~think's music is life..
~practicing guitar and his vocal power..
~favorite bands: Asian Kung-fu Generation, L`Arc~en~Ciel,Siam Shade, The GazettE, bamboo, Kjwan, Lamb of God, avenged sevenfold.. [/color]