All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 60.9
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed248
- On-Hold23
- Dropped27
- Plan to Watch93
- Total Entries404
- Rewatched19
- Episodes3,910
All Comments (5) Comments
My favorite characters are the main trio especially Mio because she kinda seems like the only sane and normal one but at those moments where Yuuko just pushes her over the edge are my favorite! Who couldn't love the Shinonome family??? the professor is almost Renge levels of adorable. It took me until the 5 or 6th episode for me to really get used to the comedy. The characters are all pretty colorful each having their own strange quirks that the jokes play off of. My favorites are the Gundere, the science teacher, and when Mai is screwing with Yuuko.
So overall im really enjoying the show and i can easily see myself giving this show a 9. I love watching Nichijou with coffee in the morning. How are you enjoying Flip Flappers and Kyousou Giga so far??