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Gsarthotegga Oct 30, 2024 1:36 PM
Guess I missed the more research-heavy anitubers. I'm more familiar with the seasonal slop pushers. Though I don't watch any channels about anime or film. I imagine it's pretty bad, though. :D

I know I've seen it in some experimental shorts before. What is this short film?
Gsarthotegga Oct 30, 2024 5:43 AM
btw, I've already recommended (erm... maybe this isn't the best word for the situation, lol) this scene to two other people without feedback so far, but if you want a laugh, I'd suggest you skip to Orb's episode 5, about 18:25 in. Maybe it's just me, but this is one of the funniest scenes I've seen in a while in a rather humorless show that's billed as "realistic and mature." XD
Gsarthotegga Oct 30, 2024 2:46 AM
Hmm... probably so. I think I've read some articles here and there that would constitute anime academia. Sounds kind of scary, though. There are anitubers citing them too? Unless there are more highfalutin video essays elsewhere. :S
Gsarthotegga Oct 29, 2024 2:28 AM
Oh, you'll hate Monster, I'm sure of that. While I think it's tedious, it does handle atmosphere and setting better than Orb and can even be cinematic at parts and that period works more wonders for its style than the terribly dated look of Orb now. Nonetheless, the "anime community" will endlessly excuse poor visuals in a visual medium as long as it has that "mature and sophisticated" feel, they quote a couple famous people (you guys heard of Socrates?), and ask a few questions about existence now and then, lol. Never saw much of Death Note, but it does look a bit pointless. I think the first Jojo OVA is worth a look, but I don't think I'll like David's numerous adaptations or the original manga.
Gsarthotegga Oct 28, 2024 1:18 PM
Ugh, tell me about it. Orb might as well be a radio drama, lmao. Given some of what they're known for, it's hard to believe Madhouse would make something this uninspired visually. I might need to sober up by looking at their list of titles, but Monster wasn't the most compelling thing visually either, yet I'm sure it must have been more inspired visually by comparison. I also have to agree that it's a weak season.
Gsarthotegga Oct 27, 2024 10:05 AM
Ah, yes, here's a good summary.
Gsarthotegga Sep 12, 2024 2:10 PM
Eye-catches? Hmm, it sounds like the aural equivalent of "ear worms," though I think that's more for catchy pop songs than mere jingles or soundbites. I feel people will better understand me if I just use inserts with a contextual adjective, though. XD

Yeah, as for the ads, it seems hard to determine without asking a Japanese television watcher who has a feel for these trends.

It's a good influence. I'm curious to see a similar style applied to another series without any sister fucker elements to incite the usual suspects.
Gsarthotegga Sep 11, 2024 10:32 AM
I'm not the biggest KyoAni fan either (though I'm pretty sure I like a few titles of theirs more than you do), but I don't think they're that much of the issue in the case of Hyouka. The style of that and Shoushimin are much different, but the substance and content is the same. Maybe you'd prefer the more compact cast and cinematic style, but it's roughly the same show, yet more pretentious, I feel. Unlike people who will call anything mildly artistic "pretentious," I don't throw the word out casually, but I strongly feel it here with what seems to be meant as a relatively accessible work. The contrast I'm seeing in GS when it comes to audiovisual shifts and warmer, more intimate tones, is something I feel Shoushimin sorely needed because it also works somewhat on contrast with the characters, when you consider the dichotomy between being an ordinary person and embracing his (hilariously goofy but presented as a heavy noir by the studio adapting it) past self as a detective and connoisseur of nothing burger mysteries. It's so heavy-handed in its presentation that some people thought the couple were involved in a murder during their childhood. XD

But, yeah, I did the same with Hyouka maybe 3 times and never did finish it.

lmao, any new profile or different browser I use, the first thing I do is install ublock, and I feel like I got computer AIDS if I forget. It's like a whole new, rather nostalgic, though in a bad way, world when you turn it off.

I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of those color inserts correspond with ad breaks. If I had an anime airing, I'd probably want to do something like this during the ads. It seems a helpful thing, much like how an editor will reduce the volume of music once someone has a speech to make it more audible and focused on, then increases it once the dialogue is over. I can see why they would prefer to use TV, though, as the kind of story telling is much different than what they would have with the other formats. I remember it was common for older anime to have a halfway point intermission break with a title card or something. Did they have fewer commercials back then or on a block with fewer commercials?

These photos remind me of it:

This is for 120mm or medium format photography film. It looks like double exposure, but what seems to be happening here is that the backing paper residue left an imprint (one person noted having the same problem but fixed it by soaking for longer in warm water), I guess. Especially note OP's picture 3's left side. lol, I'll have to check some of my 120mm film because I don't really remember it being quite like that, but usually it takes a long time to wind and prep the film, and, as you're doing so, you'll see dots on the backing paper along the way. It seems a similar thing is happening in GS, only more pronounced and calling attention to itself in the way it's used, with it being common for creators to embrace imperfections when it comes to old film and formats, with them using the dots kind of like a cue mark to indicate the style shift. Cue marks are usually to indicate it's time to change reels, and you can apply the same thinking to where the diary entries begin in GS.
Gsarthotegga Sep 9, 2024 11:01 PM
Oh, if you don't like Hyouka, you definitely won't like Shoushimin. Has all of the same strengths and weaknesses. I was bored shitless by both. Can't tolerate those ridiculous nothing burger mysteries and jaded MC, but without anyone to balance him out in Shoushimin hardly... :S

They probably are meant as mood-cues, but I don't know about ad-breaks having anything to do with it because I don't think they're proportioned in such a way that they would work well, and they disappear fast enough that I don't think they would act as much of a cue if they were between ads. Though I would have to pay more attention to the spacing because it's more plausible if there are three ad-breaks. But, yeah, I usually totally forget about ads. I haven't watched literal television in a long time and ad blockers have been around for so long that they're invisible to me. I've also seen similar insert frames used in films before that don't have ads during the original theatrical release, and it's not too uncommon of a technique.

Hahaha... could even be innocent doodling in the diary for the dots (but it shows the actual diary pages minimally compared to images), but it does give me a bit of a film strip marker feel. But I don't think it stands out as a used pattern for something like this in film, so it's probably just a distinct thing they cooked up. Most of the time it's 9 dots, but I think there were only 7 in episode 6. Not sure which or where.

Edit: A lot of these colored insert frames are brief, but there was a rather lengthy one in episode 8, and that would probably work better for intermissions.
Gsarthotegga Sep 9, 2024 2:53 PM
Right, it was more of a tongue-in-cheek comment. :P

Birds eye perspective shot example. XD

I often found myself generally not being keen on the top 10 of many of my favorite directors and often hating every other movie on BFI, AFI (I genuinely would give lots of 1-4/10 on titles in these lists), IMDB (although that's much more voting or rating based, I think, so there are loads of capeshit on that list, lmao), wherever... Some people force themselves to like everything acclaimed until they, maybe some day, develop a distinct taste or particular interests in the medium.

Riffled texture? Hmm... yeah, I guess so. There are a lot of contrasting elements in the series, and it has good audiovisual synchronization. The contrast of the fairly static surroundings and formal mannerisms with what you're talking about is, I think, probably best demonstrated with the diary segments. And a lot of the techniques could be seen as an in-between for the reserved outward and the more lively inward states. Bleh, actually it handles a kind of contrast much better than Shoushimin, also airing this season, and reminds me of a complaint I had with that one. Not sure if you were watching that.

What's with the 9 dots that pop up at one point (I recall it happening before she enters his room)? I wasn't sure if it's some reference to something, a design element, or something referenced later. 9 dots does make me think of something, but I don't think that's what the studio are referencing.

Edit: Or I guess they're supposed to be cue marks, which seems more obvious once they used it again, and it did use a filmy style back during that scene.
Gsarthotegga Sep 9, 2024 12:35 PM
I do label some things pretentious but using a bunch of techniques you don't expect to see in genre fiction is not usually something that will have me saying it's pretentious, as that's often a matter of execution or our perception of the execution. This one doesn't strike me as pretentious for its use of techniques (unless it's later, I also don't really know what to think of the Deviantart comment and actually welcome an excess), but it's also not something I'm unfamiliar with. It's kind of like how people will whine about certain words they feel are highfalutin (I'm pretty sure I was called an equivalent of pretentious one time because I casually used the word "seldom," which I considered to be a common, everyday word, but others beg to differ, I guess, lmao), but they'll get used to it if they see it used more and might even start to use it themselves, lol. It is in kind of a weird no man's land of sorts, though. I doubt the 2deep4u crowd is picking up on it at all, given the romantic trappings and that kind of fetish title: Days with My Stepsister. I totally filtered it out, not because I really care about there being a stepsister relationship, but because things with this kind of labeling are usually hot garbage. I have mixed feelings so far, but it's unique within the anime romance repertoire, so I'll stick with it.
Gsarthotegga Sep 9, 2024 7:29 AM
Thinking of it as "immoral" is pretty ridiculous considering it's the least incesty thing possible, while still having step-sibling element needed for the story. No blood relation. Not even the assumption of a long-term brother-sister dynamic turned romantic. Met at 17, so there's just an awkward dynamic of their previously single parents being married, and it's not like many divorcees have a stable second marriage, anyway. I've seen people on here complain about incest when the two aren't blood related pretty often; even in reviews, where they know what's up because they've seen the whole thing. That's just the hyper-moral police tourists. :S

I think sister and stepsister romance is seen as extra trashy (nowadays, it's common porn fodder but not as often inserted into commercial media), so it's not taken too seriously, but it still attracts some people into romance and sister fuckers. Not that surprised with Sakugabooru, since it's not really a "sakuga" show. Seems more notable for direction, cinematography, etc., on the visual side.

Gsarthotegga Sep 8, 2024 3:59 PM
She's taking center stage right now (given the ED change), and for at least 1 more ep, since 9 didn't feel like much of a conclusion. Thought they were going to have an Anna-themed arc to conclude the season with, but with there being at least 1 more Komari ep, that leaves just 2 for Anna, so maybe it'll be more of a mixed conclusion along the lines of the first few eps before Lemon's arc, and Anna will have a sad sack arc sometime later in another season. 2 eps seems too fast for this style, so I dunno.

7.21 seems pretty good for a MAL rating, especially given that lots people on here whine about stepsis stuff. But I'd guess the tone, slower pace, and film sensibilities are why this is probably one of the lower rated of the romance anime this season.
Gsarthotegga Sep 8, 2024 3:28 PM
Yeah, I guess there was no way to predict that Makeine would rummage through the dumpster for a more dramatic angle after four or so episodes. Feels like it's mostly just there to allow the MC to step in and win some points to fulfill his cuck fantasy rather than being strong attempts at drama. I thought Lemon's arc was just a bit more like that, and it would taper off for Komari, but it has that hard "must protecc" vibe, since she's shy, but it's roughly the same in tone, just without the love triangle. Guess it'll be the same for Anna, then... who knows if there will be a 2nd season or whatever. Probably... they should have taken this kind of drama angle and inserted more humor and poked fun at it. They have a much better way of handling comedy, where the more expressive animation comes to life. For drama, it's just kind of stale...

Nah, I dunno... when I hear Deviantart, I think furries, but I don't think that's what you're going for here. XD

Maybe emo wrist slasher-esque—but just a gentle touch.

It does tonally feel a bit more like some old arthouse thing but with animu sensibilities. Only seen ep 1, but I'll watch some more.
Gsarthotegga Sep 8, 2024 2:18 PM
Oh, I thought you were talking about a different series airing this season, but I see you mean the (step) sister fucker one. lmao, I love how you seem, for the most part, serious but have kind of a satirical edge to what you're saying. Definitely looks worse stylistically (at least animation and production values in general) than Makeine from what I recall of the trailer, but I'm intrigued. Link doesn't work, but that seems to be a general view of the author and book as well. I'll check it, lol.
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