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May 28, 2022
Darling in the Franxx was beautiful story that had me invested and wanting to see more the entire time. Overall I rate it a 9/10.
The characters are a big part of what makes this show great for me. There are common character types and this might cause some people to dislike the characters of this show but what type of character hasn't been seen at this point? The strength of the characters isn't necessarily in their personality but the bonds and relationships between them and how those develop, are fleshed out, and change throughout the show. From the beginning and throughout there are little mysteries
about the characters that are dropped that get you wondering and keep you intrigued to know more.
The relationship between 02 and Hiro for me was intriguing to watch, wondering what each one truly felt for each other and why and to watch the love story between them and the rest of the characters was very enjoyable.
The moral and messages explored throughout the show include managing relationships and love and just being human and some of the difficulties that are inherent to humans.
The world that the story takes place in is fairly interesting with big questions about how and why humanity became the way it was. The questions get answered throughout the show in a timely fashion.
The ending wasn't great because of a major and sudden shift in the story right near the end that wasn't foreshadowed very well. The action scenes weren't great and I'm glad they didn't take up a majority of screen time.
Overall I found the series to be very enjoyable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 28, 2022
ReLife was an amazing story that left a strong impression and will be added to the list of stories that I'll carry with me throughout my life. There were points that I felt dragged on, some things that I felt were unnecessary, but ultimately the messaging and feeling that I'm walking away with are vastly more important and overshadow the negatives, I give it a 9/10.
For me, the moral of the story and how well it is explored and executed is among if not the most important thing in a story. Some of the morals and messages from this story that I took away and
made the read impactful and worthwhile include overcoming challenges in life, that it's never too late to turn things around, the importance of enjoying life and making memories with the time you have, the impact your choices and can have on others and how you treat others can influence their course of life.
The ending was great and it didn't jerk the reader around like some stories or try to force drama when there is no need. It gives a nice, clean, concise, heartwarming ending that you would wish to see for the cast and doesn't leave important details to the imagination.
Throughout the story we see character growth for the majority of the cast but primarily for the main characters. For the main characters the growth was done excellently. There were large changes, and it was done in a believable and realistic way, it never seemed out of character or forced. There were slow changes that built on each other and not large random jumps. It is satisfying in the end to see our main characters and think back on where they came from and their hero's journey to grow.
The art was good, nothing so amazing that it stood out from other works, but it wasn't ever bad either.
There were a few issues. There were chapters that I sped through as things got a bit stale and the focus was placed on things that weren't necessarily important to the main story, didn't have some strong messaging, and not that interesting to me. There were a few things that weren't very believable and left me thinking "really?".
Overall I would recommend this story to anyone who enjoys romances, or a story of someone fixing themselves and overcoming tragedy, or if you simply enjoy slice of life sort of stuff. The strong points of this story far outweigh any of the little minor bad points and it was an amazing journey that I'm glad I got to experience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 27, 2021
Mushoku Tensei is a fun read with great characters, great world building, and breaks typical manga norms and story moulds in a mostly good way. While there are many good things about this story, it also suffers from horrible plot progression.
The characters are great. Without getting into spoilers, many of them are memorable and go through real trials that are relatable. The biggest thing of all, that so many stories fail to deliver on, is real actual meaningful progress, in personalities, attitude, and capabilities, this manga does that well. Overall it is very enjoyable to watch these characters and follow their growth.
With one one good
point down, let's talk about the bad. The most frustrating thing about this manga is the amount of time spent doing things that have very little to nothing to do with moving the plot forward. It can be a good thing to take a small chapter break or two here and there for some extra world building or character development that has nothing to do with the plot, but when close to 50% of all the chapters are side missions and stories that don't actually move the main plot forward that we began the story with, it is bad.
Another thing that is a bit off putting is the pedophilia vibes that are common early on. I don't believe the bad of reality should be removed from stories, in fact it can be a great story element when handled properly. With that said, the story doesn't necessarily handle it properly and it is a bit cringe at times.
Back to good elements. It is hard to find good fantasy and action stories that also include strong romance elements, this is one of those stories. The story doesn't shy away from romance like other manga with the infuriating clueless characters. Not only does it embrace romance interests between characters but it isn't scared to take those elements past beginning stages.
There is a lot of world building with cool races, political systems, history and much more that really immerse the reader in the world. Power scaling in the series is done well so far, from the beginning we were introduced to levels of power and the characters are slowly climbing that stationary ladder, the ladder isn't being changed and added to on the fly to meet story needs as you see in a lot of action stories.
Overall a very enjoyable series, could be a 9 or 10 from me if the story was better at cutting useless content and focusing more on plot progression.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 20, 2021
NHK ni Youkoso is an extremely unfortunate waste of a potentially very good story. This story tries to hit on some very important and good messages and themes that I don't see talked about enough. It feels as though they began the outline for this story by thinking about what themes they would tackle and then left every other story element half done, or even worse, tried to make it as horrible as possible.
Spoilers below -----
The biggest problem I have with this show is the main character. Being the character we follow and traverse the story with, you want a character
that isn't making you smack your head on your desk every 5 minutes yet that is what Satou is able to do. Satou is the epitome of a weak, oblivious, spineless loser. It's not just that he's a hikikomori, but that every chance he's given throughout the show to show one iota of being a good person, or that he's grown at all throughout the 24 episodes he shuts down completely.
An important part of a story is the "heroes journey" where your protagonist is meant to grow and overcome their beginning state, or at the very least try and potentially fail and end up a tragedy. There were a couple points throughout the story where you feel like Satou is making a bit of progress but then it's dashed and he's reset back to his beginning self. It feels like the creators are offering a nice present and then pulling it away at the last second throughout the entire story.
Watching Satou's interactions with Misaki was like listening to nails on a chalkboard. It is mind boggling rare to meet someone who is willing to help you when you're down in the dumps as much as Misaki is trying with Satou. Despite all his flaws she sticks around and really tries, yet throughout the entire show he seems oblivious to just how lucky he is to have met someone like her and how hard she's trying.
It is confusing and hard to follow the thought process behind Satou, which is perhaps on purpose, but nonetheless is confusing and jarring leaving you not understanding why something happened. Not just appliances that talk to him frequently but his completely illogical choices he makes throughout the story. One of the biggest examples that I just can't comprehend how you arrive to was during the final episode he realizes that he likes Misaki, he saves her from committing suicide and then immediately tries to commit suicide in front of her, after telling her he loves her and not to kill herself..?
The story itself is poor, there is a lot of unnecessary filler-like content that wasn't needed. The heroes journey is non existent. The ultimate resolution to fix his hikikomori lifestyle is the obvious answer, when you're not being fed and taken care of by someone, in this case his parents, you will go outside and do what you must. Choosing the obvious fix isn't a problem, but there was perhaps 1/4 of an episode dedicated to him actually finally overcoming it at the very end of the series after a bunch of useless episodes; and it had nothing to do with himself and his choices but was forced upon him from [s]his parents finally growing a brain[/s] his parents running into hard times and being unable to support his lifestyle.
The lackluster story and me ripping my hair out at how spineless, illogical, and oblivious the main character was with no progress(until the very last of the last episode) had me hating the experience and this is only the second time I've ever rated an anime so poorly. 3/10 Overall
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 5, 2019
Gets a 3 from me.
I haven't seen any other season or read any baki. Going into this it looked really good, the animation looked sick, the idea and action scenes looked great.
5 Episodes in it was going alright, there are escaped criminals that are portrayed as beasts and very dangerous and it's set up baki and his friends will be fighting these guys on the streets no rules whenever they see each other to the death. Alright, I'm excited, this has my attention.
Then it all goes seriously downhill. The first of the criminals finally has his first real fight. The match is sort of back
and forth but by the end it is clear baki's friend is very superior. This fight wasn't extremely bad and I thought this was the 1st criminal to go down, he is probably the weakest.
It just gets worse and worse after the 1st criminal goes down. It soon becomes apparent that these criminals are extremely weak and they get beat down 1 after the other in absolutely 1 sided fights. It became essentially a show of watching professional fighters beat down what looked like randoms off the street.
Next, in the beginning these criminals killed their captors to escape prison and meant to kill baki and friends, well after those initial jailbreaks there is pretty much no death. Baki nor any of his friends die in these encounters, nor do any of the criminals. The lack of repercussions made it very boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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