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Aug 2, 2020
Prison School (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
So I just finished Prison School, or I think I did because the ending was disappointing and out of place as it didn’t quite wrap things up but rather ended in a circular way. Is Prison School worth a read despite its ending? Yes and no, as the ending isn’t the only bad element.

This review contains minor spoilers.

Prison School makes it clear from the very first beginning that it’s dumb and absurd. It’s not exactly your run-of-the-mill comedy that relies on cheap one-liners, inside jokes and moronic situations where a character trips over nothing and ends up groping a female like in To-love Ru or ...
Apr 29, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Demon Slayer is the defintion of great visuals with no substance. The story plays out like your typical fighting shounen formula, except in this case, the writing is subpar and terribly predictable. The formula is as follows:

1) Something bad happens to the protagonist: In this show, there was absolutely no build up for the tragedy. His entire family gets slaughtered right away in the first episode.

2) Protagonist sets out on a quest to avenge his family: This pretty much defines the goal of the entire series, even though the ending of the series as a whole can already be pictured: Tanjirou, the Main character, kills ...
Mar 9, 2020
Kyokou Suiri (Anime) add
Preliminary (8/12 eps)
This show starts out decent then gradually becomes less enjoyable starting from the third episode.

As far as story goes, there is none. Even though the pilot was intriguing which encouraged me to check out the following episodes, all we get afterwards are arcs (2 so far) revolving around mysterious murders that won't matter in the long run since the writer makes it clear that the story isn't going anywhere.

First arc is sloppy since there was no build up for the characters related to the murder. They were just introduced on the spot the moment they were mentioned in someone's theory, which makes this whole arc ...
Apr 2, 2019
Angels of Death is a weak, poor and unnecessary adaptation of its video game counterpart. I didn’t actually play the game. In fact, I didn’t even know there was a game in the first place until I watched the first episode. So even if you’re diving into this show without any prior knowledge about it other than the actual synopsis, I feel almost obligated to warn you that it’s in fact terrible. Any game adaptation for that matter has been terrible, minus some extremely rare exceptions. Take a look at Corpse Party and the KanColle Collection.

This anime is not inherently bad, in a sense that ...
Mar 1, 2019
Preliminary (6/25 eps)
"Everybody Hates Naofumi" is your obligatory seasonal Isekai that went viral just like its predecessors because it tried to bring something else to the table. This time, its not about time travel but the victimization of our protagonist in the most exaggerated (and almost comical) way imaginable. But before we get to the "twist" that made this show unlike any other Isekai you've seen, let's take a moment to talk about the elephant in the room: the protagonist everybody hates in the story, including me.

Naofumi, your ordinary Otaku, gets summoned to a fantasy world against his will. Instead of actually voicing his opinion on ...
Mar 1, 2019
Associating the “Magical Girl” concept with brutality, torture and killing can be contradictory at first. You’re basically taking the innocence of that magical girl trying to save the world and reducing it into “Girls with supernatural abilities trying to kill each other”, regardless of their intentions. Torturing someone to death, even though he deserves it, doesn’t really fall into the heroic nature of the “Magical Girls” concept. Because it is still a wrong thing to do. You’re no better than the person you’re actually harming. Because you’ve become him. Point is, you can forget about the whole “magical” genre here. You can replace the title ...
Mar 5, 2018
Another (Anime) add
Ever wonder why Horror in general is the least appreciated and the fussiest of all the genres out there? Be it a movie, a TV Series or even a book, Horror has always been an experiment. And not the successful kind of one. You see, horror writers tend to focus on typical "scary" or disturbing elements, use absurd situations as scare tactics, and even rely on previously-used clichés just to be on the safe side. And the worst part is, they try to please every horror fan by mixing everything up together and shattering the story and its characters as a result. Sure, Gore is ...
Jul 12, 2017
Before even watching any kind of TV series or movies, we always have expectations. Of course, we also get a “feeling” about how the show will progress by reading about it somewhere on the Internet or watching the first few episodes before building up our “requirements”. However, twists and turns don’t actually contribute to these expectations because they are generally more story-related, not content-related. The content is everything that the show has or is currently offering us, from characterization, to storyline, to animation and audio. Now you may be wondering what this is all about. Why should “expectations” matter? We should just watch and then ...
Jun 1, 2017
Excessive violence can be useful in many ways. In Hellsing’s case, the violence shows us the worst side of Humanity by inverting the roles of the supposed “Good Guys” with the “Monsters”. In other words, it insists heavily on fanaticism to prove a point: to show us that humans can be worse than real monsters. Now the question is: Does it succeed?

It tries to, but in a pretty ridicule and pathetic way that it becomes more of a mockery than a message or a lesson.

The story is tedious and looks like any Vampires Vs Church or Zombies mashup movie. It is filled with ...
Sep 21, 2016
Re:Zero is not one of those generic animes that almost anyone with a little bit of taste in the fantasy genre can enjoy, regardless of the things that keep bothering him such as excessive fan service or frustrating plot inconsistencies. No. Re:Zero is much, much worse than that. It’s a show that is aware of its own flaws but is surprisingly okay with them. It even points out several clichés and generic characters as they were mere facts. Re:Zero admits that it’s overwhelming and boring to use those elements again, and again, but uses them anyway and tries to hide them with violence and melodrama.

The ...

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