Dec 19, 2008
Okay I'll try not to include any spoilers so bear with me. So from the synopsis given at the top of the page, you pretty much have all you need to start watching. Is it enough? Well even I don't know that after watching this anime. This is one of those shows where your going to have an opinion at the end; when it comes down to who was right and wrong, it will make you think.
Story: 9
In my opinion, this was a great story line. This is a gut wrenching story about the lives of a group of students and what can happen
when you disregard the feelings of another. Most of the events and scenarios are quite capable of being real but thats the beauty that draws you into their world. There is probably a small percentage of people who don't know someone who has Motoko-like qualities. He was the nice guy who talked to you when you were lonely, the guy who became your friend when you no one else, even your childhood buddy. But then he changed, what exactly these girls see in him, who knows.
Art: 8
Overall the art was drawn nicely, not enought to make you press pause and stare at the light shining in the window but clean and tight enough to help move the story. As far as characters, I thought they could have made Katsura and Saionji a little more distinguished from each other in the beginning. I think my only reference during beginning closeups were the difference between Katsura and Saionji's eyes. Once you get past the beginning it is much easier to tell who is who.
Sound: 9
Ah the music fit so perfectly, a blend of softness and correct placement is part of what made this anime. The story is sad enough as it is, but added with the soundtrack, I'll be a little surprised if your eyes don't water at least once. Actually I would be very surprised...
Character: 7
Alright this is where I have my problems. Don't get me wrong, I know this series was about the girls and their relationship with Motoko but come on. We weren't introduced to any decent guys. They could have done a little better not portraying all guys as dogs. Well I take some of that back, the only two guys we know that don't cheat, also never showed their faces in the series(I'll let you figure out who). I thought a little more could have been done with Nanami Kanroji (the tall basketball girl); though she is not a major part of the story, by the end of the story I was wondering what happened to her because of *certain circumstances*. Also I didn't really like the amount of girls Motoko was involved with during that 1 to 2 year span, (compared to the amount of girls we were introduced to). It was a little over the top near the end, something I felt wasn't really needed. That being said, I like the recovery of Otome's character at the end, she had me doubting her a few times. But everyone can't be good, we see this in a variety of characters near the end regardless of their relationship
Overall I really liked School Days. It was a pretty sweet train ride that got me thinking about a lot of things. When it comes to people around us, are we being considerate of others or using others to feel better about ourselves? Should we wish for our loved ones happiness with person or should we claim it ourselves? Sorry I'm rambling but yeah, I definitely recommend this anime as long as your ready to delve into the lives of people desperately wanting to be loved. If you end up taking this anime too seriously, the lines between fantasy and reality may disappear and thats something we don't want happening.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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