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Jan 1, 2025
Do you like some sort of coherence in your anime?
Do you like a script that works, a plot, a vague internal consistency?
Are currently NOT on a bad LSD trip, or do you have more than 5 braincells to rub together?
Are you looking for more than a 5 year old entranced by pretty moving colours and a jazzy sound?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions this anime is not for you. If you answered no, well suckstobeyou I guess, have at it and enjoy.
If all you are looking for is crazy whacky action sequences put together for no apparent reason, I guess you
might enjoy this, but why you're not just watching 5 minute stuff on youtube of fan-content I have no idea. There is no real reason for this anime to exist beyond some creators fever dream.
The animation itself is quite good, though the tone changes from moment to moment. The music? Great, no problems. Even the voice acting is fine.
Everything else only scores a zero because I can't go negative.
Your mileage may vary, but I encourage you not to even get in the car to try to drive it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 19, 2024
This is a slow-burn slice of life type anime. Yes it's set in a "fantastica land" the protagonist has been reborn into, but it's not about the swords and sorcery, there's no high-drama or empire spanning plots. There's no dastardly villains that need defeating, this is, if you were to really narrow it down, a coming into your own as an adult story. The character development of the main characters is well done and the side characters are "mostly" well done. There are one or two that could have been fleshed out a bit more and their relationships established, but to
do so probably would have detracted from necessary time spent on the main characters. The "drama", what there is of it, develops in the small bits and the small moments.
Characters are showing growing by small things like subtle clothes changes, hair, posture, and bearing. People are just "people" there are no moustache twirling villains tying people to the train tracks.
The musical choices are understated but apt. There's no "dance along and get with it" opening or closing pieces, and they're not "wallow in the melancholy of this song" pieces either. But they work for the production. The art style isn't dynamic, but there's no huge action set pieces either, and it flows well enough with the world design and the moments. Could it benefit from a more fluid style? Maybe, but it's not exactly a slide show either, there are just one or two moments where you're hearing speech but it doesn't seem lips are moving.
I have no idea of the source material for this, but I would be happy to see a 2nd season. I think there is room for growth and development of the world and the relationships. I think some of the negative reviews are from people who need every box opened to be closed, and want "drama" and/or 'world changing events' in their stories. Which is fine, but if that's what you're chasing, this anime is NOT for you. It's not even a "sweet nothing" anime like "By the grace of the gods". But it is enjoyable if this type of show is what you're in the mood for.
My personal review is 7.25/10 which with the site I round off to a 7. I recommend this anime if you are in the mood to watch a low-stress story that is quite enjoyable. But not if you are looking for either "sweet nothing mental floss" or "political drama".
As always, your personal mileage may vary.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 15, 2024
Honestly while the animation was okay, and the voice acting on point as always, it feels like much of the story is being skipped to "push it along".
Also the translations. Oh god let me talk about the subtitle translations that it's all been changed too.
I think it's some major corporation with push that must have taken over, as the original source material has been re-edited to backdate to these translations. (Clerics are now Charge-clerics for example for some unknown reason.) The character names have been changed. One Autumn Leaf (Who's name resulted from SMC as a child mis-remembering a line of
poetry that was supposed to be One Leaf in Autumn) is now called Ever-Stay (Which completely invalidates some character and world building later on.) Team Happy is now Demeter for .. reasons??? Excellent Era is .. Honest I forget the name that's how much the new ones piss me off, I am refusing to assimilate the terms. Lord Grim is now Stolord.
These are changes that didn't need to be made, and honestly, from what I've heard elsewhere, piss off more than just me among their existing non-Chinese fanbase.
Anyway back to the story. I think the studio has lost sight of the fact that for all this was an action-in-game anime, with out of game drama, it was actually a CHARACTER driven story. By brushing over a lot of the character moments and frustrations with interactions - and sometimes the background character tweaks this creates - they are doing themselves a serious disservice going forward.
Non-Anime related for a moment here and back on the translations. I know of people who've gone back to re-read the original novel, and are all "WTF is this shite" when they see that they've back-dated the translation terms into the novel. And even the people doing the manwa online are struggling with it, I see the comic bouncing back and forth between old and new terms not only from chapter to chapter, but panel to panel. The cognitive dissonance is real.)
Back on the production. The music was good. But over-all this felt very much like a season that was rushed through to make a deadline, which is counter to what people wanted. We're fine with waiting longer for seasons, if we get GOOD seasons. But as a continuation of the story of our much beloved characters, this was a hastily rushed mess, missing a lot of the foundations that would have made what they DID include make sense.
Over-all I'm not angry. I'm just Dissapointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 8, 2024
Okay this series is NOT deep. It's not pretending to be either.
Basically this is another that falls under what I call "pallet cleanser anime". It's a sweet fun nothing of an anime with a not complex but still well done art style. It's kid friendly but can be a nice relaxing "chill out" anime between the more serious and dramatic stuff for adults. Teens will probably NOT like it for exactly these reasons.
The story is simple but not boring, the characters aren't "deep" but there is enough going on that you aren't all "oh god this again".
It's not the standard
"x goes wrong, we do the 30 second brew potion animation and it's all fixed, rinse repeat" cycle that you see in see others too.
The music is up-beat and pleasant, the voice acting was solid enough, and the animation style fit the project.
I'm using it as a cleanser between some much darker and heavier stories and it's PERFECT for that. (Along similar lines as another where an abused salaryman died from falling out of bed and was reincarnated as a kid who did great things with slimes. I forget the name but it serves a similar purpose for me as that one did.)
As an "anime in total" I'd give this a 6.5, I'm rounding it up to 7 because for the TYPE/style of anime it is and what it's trying to be it does that particular thing quite well.
As always your personal mileage may vary.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 8, 2024
Let me start by saying this series isn't going to be for everyone. There's no huge dramas, no super-tangled romances, no hidden dark plot. This series is purely a celebration of youth, and the joy there-off. Our protaganist is a young girl full of energy and a go-get-em attitude who enjoys being who she is and is excited for the future and to see new things others are interested in. She has a happy family life with a cute as a button younger sister who is just TOTES adorable and a caring mother. Her father is obviously often absent for work
but still obviously a loving and loved part of the family.
The story revolves around life at a new all girls school, and the other people who go there. The animation is .. quirky at times, at first I was slightly disconcerted by some of the art, but it works with the energy and grows on you.
The voice acting is on point and whoever does our MC's voice perfectly captures the energy of a happy young lady in joyful circumstances. Part of the joy of the series is seeing how her contagious energy affects those around her, and also brings them slightly out of their shells to enjoy life.
This is simply a feel-good-slice-of-life series. And as such will not be for everyone. But if you want something as a great palate cleanser between the gritty/action/drama stuff. Or just feel like something to bring a little upbeat joy into your life, you can do a lot worse than this series.
Justaguy recommends if this is a style that you think would appeal to you.
As usual, your mileage may vary.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 25, 2024
I understand this is supposed to be parody of a sort. But it still made my brain hurt with how badly this was done.
The anime was normal the voice acting was fine, the music and sound was actually quite good, but the SHOW was just .. bad.
I sort of vaguely understand what they were going for with this, but even with that you need some sort of decent structure to hold it all together, This watches like it was some grade-schoolers actually took some LSD and used it to fuel a fantasy trip written the night before for a literature assignment, then some stoned out
college kid used it as a script for his film assignment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 24, 2024
For fans seeking completeness I recommend viewing, however on it's own this is a much more "meh" season. The last, half was better than the first half, with the final episode or 2 feeling much more like season 2, if not up to season 1's standards. The animation was probably slightly worse on the characters and maybe the same or better on the scenery. It felt a lot more like a "this was paid for by the Japanese Tourism Department" than as a nice warm anime about the girls enjoying camping.
Over-all I could have missed this season and not felt like
I actually MISSED anything if you know what I mean. It may be the new studio, it may be the source material was played out, but Season 1 had "something", season 2 still retained that if not quite to the same standard in my opinion. This season was missing whatever that "something something" was for most of the season and only really regained a touch of it at the very end.
The voice acting and the opening and endings were still of a decent quality.
Your mileage may vary but for me this was without the magic.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 21, 2024
A slow, warm fuzzy, feel good movie.
It's never going to be a recommended "this is great you must watch it" movie, but at the same time no-one should walk out asking for 2hrs of their life back. It's essentially a slow paced "coming into your own" movie aimed at the mid to late teens, but enjoyable by the older and younger also.
There was one element of the movie I think they could have removed, but that is only my personal opinion. They did a moderate amount of character development for the side chars for the time they had also.
My only real complaint is that the 3d-rendering did show through at moments, but overall the animation was, while not great, not bad either.
In general this is an average feel-good family movie.
As I've seen mentioned in another review the actual subject matter (hula dancing) could have been replaced with almost anything else and not changed the story, however the choice does vibe well with the general pace of the movie.
Your mileage may vary, but I do not regret watching this movie, though I probably wouldn't watch it a 2nd time.
I'm rating it 7/10, rounding up from a 6.5/10, because I don't think it deserves to be rounded down.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 28, 2024
The Deus Ex Machina is strong with this one.
Okay lets get the basics out of the way first: Animation style Simplistic but effective, dynamic where it wants to be and while positions and stances/concepts were repeated, they didn't fall into the "lets re-use this sequence again" trap. 8 out of 10, more because they hit the style they were going for than anything else.
Character design: Obvious designs made the characters easy to differentiate, even if they individuals seemed a little random sometimes. 7 out of 10
Voice acting: No complaints, but nothing stood out, 7 out of 10
Music: Same as the voice, 7.5 out
of 10
Some bonus points for the intro monologue updating nicely as the story went on.
Where it fell flat was the over-arching consistency of it all. The power-creep over 25 episodes was INSANE. A lot of stuff happened with hand-wave explanations exactly because that was the only thing that could happen to get them out of that situation.
A lot of the character development was simple affirmation or justification of who they already where, rather than change or growth, though there were a few exceptions. Even the A-holes suddenly get heroic motivations because we can't have any villains that aren't part of the [redacted for spoilers].
There are moments where this series is brilliant, but it all winds up feeling like a jigsaw that someone put together wrong. All the pieces are there but the picture is radically flawed.
Over-all I'd say it's an enjoyable watch, but it flounders between trying to be a fun adventure anime, and trying to be deep and meaningful in a bad way. The Ping-Ponging and self-justification around doing that makes for a bad harmony.
I wouldn't say don't watch it, but I have trouble recommending it also. I'm over-all giving it a 6 out of 10, a "It's fine I suppose" rating.
Your mileage may vary.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 2, 2024
Okay this is a different pace to the series it's spinning off from. The pace is slowing and it has a more washed out water pallet like colour. This is not a detraction, just a note. There is a lot of subtle character development and it's a notably slow paced story. Honestly it's a fantastic art piece, with great score and fantastic art, interesting character design, and intellectually I can see it's honestly a great movie.
That aside, I hated it.
Okay hate is probably a bit strong. I was bored out of my skull. It was an adult interpretation of juvenile
waffling on a topic. If I was a mid-teen I'd probably think this was deep and resonated well. As a late 40s adult this bored me to tears.
It's one of those shows that I can intellectually see was a good movie, but it just 100% failed to resonate with me in any way shape or form. I am giving it an 8/10 not because I enjoyed it, but because I can see the quality of the work, and why others WOULD enjoy it. It loses points for difference in style from the source material it springs from, where most of the audience that would be directed towards it would come from.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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