All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 113.8
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed543
- On-Hold5
- Dropped23
- Plan to Watch2,298
- Total Entries2,881
- Rewatched7
- Episodes7,329
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 100.1
Mean Score:
- Reading89
- Completed168
- On-Hold14
- Dropped11
- Plan to Read2,167
- Total Entries2,449
- Reread0
- Chapters16,668
- Volumes1,077
All Comments (269) Comments
anyways i'm here to ask you for a recommendation of your finest anime or manga (or both). don't hold back. if you have shows to recommend feel free to recommend as many 🙏. thanks in advance 🤝
kind greedings, the president.