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Dec 31, 2010
If you enjoyed Natsu no Arashi!, then it'd be natural for you to be watching the second season right? DUH! I really loved the first season and I expected nothing less in the follow-up!~ Turns out I was more or less right! Anyways, here a little bit of my thoughts on this 2nd season!
*Btw, I refuse to write a short a summary of Natsu no Arashi!Akinaichuu at the start of my review. I believe I'd be wasting your time and it'd be just re-summarizing the summary provided on the "details" tab.
Story: 9
As with my review for Natsu no Arashi!, I fairly liked the one-shots
per episode and I thought that's what kept each episode of both seasons high refreshing and new. It made me want to keep plowing through the episodes just to see what's the next surprise! The only reason why I think it's shy of perfection is the lack of a centralized plot, therefore I believe one-shots has it's pros and cons! I'm sure y'all will enjoy Natsu no Arashi! Akinaichuu's storyline if you enjoyed the first season's.
Art: 10
Also explained in my review for the first season, I'm an extreme Kobayashi Jinn (the mangaka for both Natsu no Arashi! and School Rumble) buff, so I enjoy the artwork he draws. For me, I love the way he designs each individual so they stand out from each other and doesn't get too confusing!
Sound: 10
Somehow, I thought it was an improvement from the first season! Because I pay a lot of attention to OST, this section I marked fairly high as somehow during Natsu no Arashi! Akinaichuu!, there was more OST than the first one. The OST was fairly well paired with the situations in the anime, therefore no questions on that. I was fairly pleased with the opening and ending themes which I thought was very original! Just the opening theme was slight awkward...I'll explain below!
Character: 10
No doubts about the character section as being a solid 10! Each character was a pleasure to watch and the versatility of each character helps override my initial impressions about how a small character list can become a good series! I've said in the first review, I really like the characters that Kobayashi Jin makes, and it is shown through each of his series that they are very unique and original! Definitely something I enjoyed about this show!
Enjoyment: 10
I loved Natsu no Arashi! and Natsu no Arashi! Akinaichuu! There was no question on the enjoyability of this series. My attention did not waver at all in any episodes, and trust me, it's not entirely because of Arashi or Kaya! Regardless which episode or featuring which character, Natsu no Arashi provided me a solid 5 or something hours of enjoyment that I'd never regret spending!
Overall: 10
I don't really get this "overall" section...basically isn't it just the "enjoyment" section repeated? Anyways I'll try to make it sound a bit differnt ;D! LOL. Anyways, I thought this series was really amazing to watch and I thought it was definitely one of the best i've seen in a while! Don't get me wrong, I'm not a crazy fanboy, but despite the low ratings you may see, I believe (and i'm sure some others) that Natsu no Arashi! & Akinaichuu was way too underrated! It may be overshadowed by moe moe series such as Kaichou wa Maid-sama (which is actually very very good as i'm the same age as the people in the series! Hehe), but Natsu no Arashi stands its ground on it's own genres, which frankly, isn't all too popular with the otaku group of today's world. Not that i'm saying all Otakus will dislike this show, i'm just saying they will expect too much moe moe and will be disappointed by such a down-to-earth and realistic (just the character's emotions, not the supernatural stuff!) show such as Natsu no Arashi! Anyways, back to Natsu no Arashi!. Was it only me who was confused by the opening?! Is that blood that Arashi is showering in? I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on my profile page! LOL!!! Meh, in a way, I wish there'd be a 3rd season, but due to it's rather low popularity, I doubt it. If you're wondering what happens to Arashi and Hajime and everyone else, I'd suggest you read the manga, but it isn't fully scanlated into English....Being a half japanese is such a bonussss hehehe.... LOL I hope you'll enjoy Akinaichuu as much as i did!!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 29, 2010
Another phenomenal story penned by Jin Kobayashi, the mangaka for the famed School Rumble. To be honest, I didn't know about Natsu no Arashi due to it's low popularity until I ran out of recent anime to watch! LOL. Of course, seeing how much I've enjoyed from watching School Rumble, I thought Kobayashi's new series would not disappoint, despite the rather low ratings given. Turns out, I was right! As some people would say, "don't judge a book by it's cover", the same thing sorta applies here. Don't just look at its 7.something rating score, but actually try watching/reading the series, each series will have
different tastes for different people. Anyways, I'm sure you're here for the review, not me blabbing about it.
Story: 9
Soz, when I first started watching this series, I was able to be absorbed in on the main plot, but I felt that the stories where more or less one shots per episode or 2. It's easy to tell that this style of story-planning belongs to Jin Kobayashi, but this one was easily more well-planned out than School Rumble was. I was amazed how absorbed by the plot and I stayed up till about 4 AM to finish the series. I also noticed how this type of genre/story only attracts a very specific group of viewers, but ignoring the obvious genre, I thought Natsu No Arashi was a pretty refreshing series to watch and the story was definitely superb.
Art: 10
Art, is something that varies between people. Luckily for me and School Rumble buffs, the art has remained more or less the same. A major difference I noticed between School Rumble's art and Natsu no Arashi's art was that Jin Kobayashi drew the eyes of the characters a bit differently. Not that it affects the viewer's opinion a lot, just a little not. Outstanding art and graphics, nothing to complain about here :D
Sound: 8
I actually found the OP and the EDs pretty good. I don't know if anyone noticed but they change the lyrics of the OP every episode. They say like "on my 8th Summer" to reference the 8th episode and that changes per episode Also, they say something different about the joys of summer every time in the OP. As for the ED, I found the dancing Arashi to be a great candidate for the next Ipod CM! ROFL. The ending's music wasn't too shabby and was in fact, quite catchy. The thing that bothered me the most about sound was the lack of OST present during the series. Either i was too absorbed by Arashi's looks or there just really wasn't much music?
Character: 10
As with School Rumble, the characters were pretty versatile and i found the Master/ Arashi / and Kaja have very good personalities between the 3 of them, and it provides variety in the show. Also, Hajime and Jun had also very supplementary characteristics leading to hilarious clashes between the two. Overall, I thought the characters were much more appealing than most of the other shows i've watched recently. Definitely a plus for this show.
Enjoyment: 10
Personally, as long as the art, character, and story is good, my enjoyment is almost always high. It's impossible to not enjoy such a great series as Natsu no Arashi. With many funny moments in the series, lots of crush-like romance, and several parodies of School Rumble such as Tenma Tsukamoto/ Eri Sawachika on a milk carton or Harima and Tenma spotted on a date or a character drawn very similar to Yakumo Tsukamoto. Personally, I thought because Jin Kobayashi realized Yakumo's success in School Rumble, he made Arashi's attributes very a like to Yakumo such as the hair and eyes.
Overall: 10
Well, if you could see my expression at the moment, you could tell it's an obvious ten. Natsu no Arashi is definitely one of the top anime that was released during it's time. I don't think I've ever seen an anime with such genres been as appealing as Natsu no Arashi was. I certainly hope there will be a sequel to the Natsu no Arashi Akinaichuu, but I doubt it. Although so underrated, Natsu no Arashi will always be one of the very best show's I've ever watched. Definitely will be rewatching some time soon! I hope you'll will enjoy it as much as I did!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 2, 2010
Eh, naturally with zombie genre stories, the stories seem far from plausibleAs if you haven't noticed, most of all the reviews are about how this show is a fanservice bank. Well I don't think this is going to be any different than the others? XD hehe. Anyways, to start off, the first thing i noticed about this show was how almost every girl had breasts bigger than my fist. I mean...as if walking un-dead weren't logically-denying enough?! WTF. Also, what the hell is up with Harem Captain Takashi?! Jeeez who is that lucky to see hot girls in panties and thongs and aprons or towel
wrapped in the middle of the night?! Plus he even gets soome booty and some of those "mountains" of that nurse....lol ENOUGH I know i can ramble along about how jealous i am or shit like that, but i'm sure you guys reading this won't be pleased.....
Story: 7
Eh, naturally with zombie genre stories, the stories seem far from plausible and the gigantic milk mounds with sexy girls who like to wear skimpy clothing just doesn't make sense. If you're wondering why i've been chastising this story but gave it a passable 7, then you must realize there actually is some good story development after episode 7. Especially episode 9 (hehehe)....Other than those developments, this anime's story would be rather bland as it is totally random and no character development either...
Art: 10
Yes I gave it a 10 cuz i'm totally mesmerized by Saeko's perfect ass in an apron+ thong. And cuz Shizuoka sensei has totally got me nosebleedin. Nothing else can really change my mind. It just so happens this anime's art is totally appealing to me. Especially my...MY Saeko-san
Sound: 8
Sound is relatively okay even thought u don't hear too much OST throughout the anime. But one thing that you must not miss is how the ending theme is different everytime. Kudos to the singer who has to be able to learn and sing some many different songs. Although is not spectacular, but the effort put in is certainly admirable, therefore deserving a honest 8
Character: 8
Yeah you guys might wonder why the hell this is a 8. I don't know either. Maybe cuz whenever i see character i think Saeko, and how much i'm hypnotised by her...lol fail. Anyways, to make it seem a bit more justifiable, the character wasn't really important till episode 7 onwards....which really grabbed my attention as all previous episodes were like randomness and 0 progress
Enjoyment: 10
Well not that i'm a huge fan of animated females, but watching busty ones with spectacular animation is certainly a pleasure. I'm sure my lil bro will agree
to that haha....nothing beats zombie/horror + ecchi + romance combo...total KO
Overall: 9
I rounded up the score.
but you should definitely watch this series when you have spare time and no jealous females around you. It certainly provides a different flavour of anime that you may have always wanted XD. Well that worked out for me though....don't know about you guys..... XD
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 12, 2010
Judging by seeing that I've given it a 10/10 in every single section suggests that either this anime series is mind-blowingly amazing or that i'm just a crazy fanboy (no I'm not).
When I first started watching this anime, I was a little more than bored by the plot as no one suggested me to watch this anime, yet it seemed to be a big deal on the net. Turns out it was hehe. I would have to say this anime deserved all the actual awards it received and the score I gave them. This is because from the Story to the Enjoyment level of
the series, it was at a constant high.
So...without further ado, I'm sure you'd like to read about the details, instead of me waffling and wasting your time...
Story: A rather perplexing story I have to say. Not that I'm giving you any spoilers ( I hope), but this is one of the rare anime that I find that has a rather sad ending. However you view what Lelouch does, it can be a happy/sad ending. Anyways, from the first episode, I thought the explaining was very thorough and somewhat plausible. Therefore, the story is something that a viewer of this series should be seriously paying attention to. I promise you that you'll love the plot of this series and it won't disappoint you.
Art: I personally found the art to be pretty detailed, something you should expect in a series that features cool mechas. Nothing really here to complain about as a top-notch series like this shouldn't have any art errors present.
Sound: I really liked the opening and ending themes of this series. Not that it stuck in my head the first time i listened to it, but it was somewhat addictive. The soundtrack itself was fit perfectly according to the tension at a certain moment. Subarashii!!!
Character: As the same quality as the story, i found the characters to be very well developed and I didn't have to use wikipedia to gain further knowledge on certain characters. The characters themselves also seem to have plausible personalities and were very well scripted as well as the casting was kanpeki desu!
Enjoyment: I cannot express how appalled I was after completing on 7/12/2010. It definitely called out to me to re-watch it at least 2 or 3 more times...AT LEAST, but I have Sekirei up next waiting for me.
Overall: Well if you couldn't tell how impressed I am by this anime, then you must be retarded. Solid marks, solid anime, solid carving in my mind that Hangyaku no Lelouch is a definite re-watch and later classic ;)
Total 100% or overall 10/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 2, 2010
So first off, most of you should know by now that Desert Punk AKA Suna Bozu is an anime that features crude humor, some ecchi, and lots of things that kids shouldn't try to attempt on bountiful broads. Please be patient to read through all my efforts on describing why i gave these scores, as I feel like I've given it a honest review!
The story started off very good, up until the final episodes where it kind of got messy. I personally disliked the few episodes starring Kosuna as she is not the main character in the story and I really hated her awkward laughter.
The episodes before the final 5~ish resembled episodes from Keroro Gunso, where the episodes were telling a story per episode. I found this very amusing and it kept things fresh for me. I guess what brought the marks down are the final few as it really made me feel like this anime was kinda ruined.
Well aside from the land features, weapons, hot babes (Junko Asagiri), and awkward libido animations, the art was not THAT great. I disliked the facial features portrayed on the male characters, not that I'm gay cuz clearly i was magnetized because of Junko~!. Anyways, the art wouldn't what I would call " Subarashi" but certainly its okay~.
Not too many soundtracks were produced, therefore there was a constant lack of "fresh" music as it kept playing the same song over and over at certain times. The opening and closing themes were barely passable, but not horrendous. I guess this wasn't a strong part of the anime.
Great characters! Don't get misguided by that comment though...by great characters, I mean they had the POTENTIAL to be great characters with superb depth, but the series was cut short, therefore i never knew what happened to some of the them. Tsk tsk...what a waste...could've been a legit 10/10
Despite the above average ratings in the past few sections, I felt this anime was highly enjoyable! It seemed like to me as it was one of those anime that could suck me into their world and made me want to be a part of it! This is definitely something one could use to relieve the stress as it had me laughing my butt off till near the end!
Solid 8/10. Could have been better, but as usual, near the end of a series, producers speed things up and ruin the anime...Like Dragonaut-The Resonance-, I felt like this anime was made very well but could have been better. Although I'm giving an honest review here, I definitely gave it a 10/10 on the "add to list" option~! You'll see why once you start watching~!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 2, 2010
This is a review, I'm considering most of you know the plot/characters so I won't delve into details in those parts! Oh and this is my first review, therefore people, please be soft on the flaming!
Ok, as many of you can see, lots of other reviews have said this anime was something that seemed to be a waste of their time until the last few episodes. Personally, I would agree the Characters are pretty pathetic and they just keep repeating the same lines over and over again. HOLD ON! That doesn't mean this anime is a total trainwreck!
I personally found the story to be
mediocre to great range...some of you might get confused cuz a lot of people relate the story and the characters together in their review.
Also, I found the attention to the detail in the art pretty well done...i mean it is a bit outrageous for all the girls except Akira to have exaggerated breast sizes, but otherwise the art was superb! Definitely one of the best art I have seen in an anime for quite some time. I'm guessing all those Hena-Ojisans will be drooling after seeling Garnet...kukuku
I couldn't believe how much the soundtrack was an influence to this anime! Dragonaut's soundtrack and opening/closing were all very fitting to this anime. I really enjoyed the music and could not be more pleased with it
As I had mentioned before, the characters ARE pretty pathetic. Aside from the redundant lines they keep repeating, I think there is still a spark of depth in them, therefore I wasn't too harsh on the rating...
Well people before this review have said that after the first 1/3rd of the anime, it'll get pretty interesting. BULLSEYE! It was so correct as I felt like I was soooo confused at the first 6-7 episodes at least. After the initial introduction to the series, I finally caught on to the storyline and found this anime immensely enjoyable. I was so touched by this anime I couldn't get it off my mind (thanks to Toa). I certainly wished I existed in this anime and could be a Dragonaut...ah all those great womanly assets...kukuku
If you hadn't read what I had babbled above, this anime I think, deserves more than an 8, had it not been for the stupid character line repetitions. This anime had me sucked in around the 10th episode and i couldn't even click the "pause" button without intense hesitation! Well I guess this kinda sums it up cuz averaging out the scores...I have to leave it at a solid 8...I feel so sad it's over now and I just wish there's a sequel to this or just an OVA to show Jin and Toa's life.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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