All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 105.1
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed265
- On-Hold22
- Dropped10
- Plan to Watch203
- Total Entries503
- Rewatched0
- Episodes6,373
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries53
- Reread0
- Chapters1,336
- Volumes198
All Comments (7) Comments
You see, I had a theory. I was trying to prove it right or wrong. The story goes like this :
Not so long ago, on another website, I got to be acquainted with someone who said they had a twin. After that, I got to be acquainted with Rofa-kuroro. It almost seemed like he was that missing twin. The flow and structure of their writings, their reviews, it would be oblivious not to notice all the similarities. It would be ignorance not to make something out of it and just let it be. Maybe it's my hobby to over-analyse and link whatever patterns, similarities that come across my path.
I wished they were indeed twins too. It would've made much sense to me, plus it would be a very beautiful discovery. :)
I had to know if Rofa-kuroro had a twin too. Now that he does have.. :) I reach the last step of my theory. Whether it proves to be right or wrong, I had good feelings from it all.
My last question would be.. does the name "dareka" remind you of anything?
rofa-kuroro-san has some quite fine tastes and some of the most appealing reviews I came across, so in a sense, I'm very pleased to meet you too, his brother, and would like to know your thoughts and reviews of your most likable anime and manga too. I'll look forward to that. :)
One last thing, I'll take my chances and ask this..... you two don't happen to be twins, right?! :D
I'm assuming.. I have a feeling that you might be rofa-kuroro's brother, am I right?.. ^^
ما رايك بها؟