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Sep 25, 2011
Freezing (Anime) add
I started reading Freezing as a manga and really enjoyed it. The story was pretty decent and the characters were nice. Now i admit i do read/watch ecchi for the girls, at least in part. However i personally am the kinda guy who doesn't appreciate nudity like at all (just ruins it to me), so the topless scenes were something i could've gone without. that aside tho this anime had some of the cutest girls i've seen in anime, especially Bridget. I loved her rough outer atmosphere but with the gentle, vulnerable girl underneath. Although the anime seemed to show that side a bit too ...
Sep 25, 2011
Chobits (Anime) add
I had originally seen the reviews for this series and how it had a lot of positive feedback, so I decided to give it a shot. I was expecting a nice. easy-watching slice of life romance which proved correct to some degree. However, what I did not expect, and was shocked to find, was a deeper story with many commentaries on life and love. The story is pretty well done with nice easy episodes usually revolving around the main Persicom (a humanoid computer system) Chi learning how to live life and her owner, Motosua dealing with the many problems that arise due to Chi's innocence ...
Sep 25, 2011
Mixed Feelings
My cousin and friend both recommended this anime to me awhile back and i've finally finished watching it. Overall it was pretty decent. The characters were likable, although personally i did not find Gene that awesome or special (although he did get better at the end). Melphina was very sweet and nice, Jim was a good sidekick type, Asia was annoying at first but eventually grew on me, and Suzuka...well she was awesome in battle but honestly didn't do much. The story was probably the best part, incorporating an interesting plot, even if it did get kinda weird at the end. The problem is that ...
Sep 25, 2011
I actually read the first chapter of this manga before i saw anything about the anime counterpart. The manga actually started off very differently with the focus on the princess alone, but that's beside the point. Overall I really enjoyed this anime, it was a nice watch. It starts off intriguing and then kinda slows down a bit into a nice good-hearted watch. However, it actually gets serious pretty abruptly, and the serious section is quite nice, and at times a bit darker than i expected (people actually got shot!). The characters are all nice, if not a bit small of a cast, the main ...
Sep 25, 2011
I had heard of this anime for quite some time and about how amazing it was. I was actually quite surprised to hear that Square Enix was the creator which caught my attention. I had already watched Soul Eater which was also done by them, but wasn't too impressed. However, once i started watching it, I quickly learned why it was so popular. The story started off amazingly with catching my attention and i only wanted to see more. The twists in the plot were excellent with the timing of them and were never too overwhelming where u did not know what was going on. ...
Sep 25, 2011
Trigun (Anime) add
I first heard of this from my friend from school. It is his favorite anime and he recommended it to me. I finally got to watching it and was happy with the result. I enjoyed how the story eased in from being kinda silly wit hsmall incidents, to more serious with complicated situations. The characters were also very enjoyable, especially Wolfwood, which is one of my personal favorites. (i do like Vash, although he did cry a bit too much near the end) The fights were good, although a bit more sparse than i had hoped, but not a problem. The atmophere was also very ...
Sep 25, 2011
One Piece (Anime) add
Preliminary (Unknown/? eps)
Ok, my first anime's were naruto, bleach, and d-grayman. I'd always talk to my friends at school about them and debate and discuss plot elements, characters, etc. However, over our senior trip they started talking about an anime they loved very much and praised more than Bleach at times: it was called One Piece. Now, i'm a bleach die-hard fan so when they kept praising this show i kept thinking "Whats the big deal?" I'd heard a bit about One Piece but not too much and i thought it was kinda baby compared to bleach or d-grayman. I also heard how long it was which ...
Sep 25, 2011
The reason I really liked this anime was for the great moral aspects it puts forth. I actually started the series by reading the manga and I must confess that at first a big reason was the "fan service" it included (I apoligize). However, after reading/watching it for awhile I came to absolutely love it! If an anime has fighting and a good story then thats great, but I firmly believe that the most important part of a story of any kind is the values contained within. The characters are all very kind with a great sense of responsibility and spirit. However, the biggest reason ...

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