Jun 25, 2017
The Anime kuzu no honkai is one of the best Anime i had watch !
This Anime have love,drama,psychological,school and very much sadness .I cry even today because of the end ...
The first Episode beginn very extensive which is a good argument you come in in the story and see dirctly what the Charakters feel, also in the first Episode are given much important informations, I liked the ,,love szens,, because you see here the hopless the emptiness and also sadness .
The Anime develope very fast and is very tragic. The relation between the Charakters and especially between hanabi and mugi was amazing and very
sad ... you could cry the whole time but also smile because ist so amazing ...I decide to cry...
The Anime simulates very hard to think ...you think and think and think wow ...the drama and the sadness in the Anime is amazing ...you see hanabi and mugi two very popular students they Dispense as a couple ...but in the truth drunk of sadness and try to satisfy and imagine that the other is their real crush because they know that they never can be in a realtionsship (hanabi with narumi childhoodfriend and mugi with akane) but times ago and tgey know that they cant do it for ever so hanabi and mugi has also other afairs ...hanabi with ecchan and mugi with Mako ...there are many intime Szene which makes the Anime bigger and extensiver...one of the sad Things is that hanabi and mugi said that they never want to be a couole they just ,,play,,
You can only cry and think about it but dnt worry there are many exiting and wonderfull parts but the sadness will dont let you..the story is so real and the Problems are big
So ok the ending ...yaeh thanks Episode 12 the ending i cant stop crying and i dont know why but also know so im a Little bit confused of my self ...the ending let me feel very sad and mad because of the last part : hanabi and mugi doesnt talk ...but 4mounths ago they have a very interesting and dramatical talk they say that the first love is always the hardest and never come true theyb thank eah other for the help and (omg i crying again) hanabi sayid that she fall in love for mugis warmt heart and ask if they want to do a new contact because the fierst end ...this conversation show the Feelings for each other but they kno that this never would work ... so they ignore in School and dont talk and this was so sad and depri it makes me soooo cry ...but on the wedding from akane and narumi ( Yréah rlly sad ) They hug a last time each other and hanabi sad that she was very happy t know mugi and thanks him ...ok common to the really last part :( so they are atnding on the Bridge and think : i dont want that this end i dont want to let you why please hold me ...but ist time to say good bye and surch our big love the life is continuing ... so they stay look to each other and go there one ways :( wow this makes me so cry i crying now and yesterday and the wohle time because they was so nice friends but they realized that the life must go on ....and go there one ways ...im happy that they not a couple this is a really good and realistic ending it Shows the real life but ist sad that they go separat ...but isnt a bad or happy ending ...you have to make your on opinion because their are happy but ist also sad when you think about what they go throught ...wow so sad soo yaeh the story is briliant
ok the art ...omg no words is so awesome amd the extra parts omg fantastic
Sound omg the musik have so many moods and makes me feel so emotional sooo nice
charakter yeah i talk alredy about the charas but there are awesome
And yeah you can only enjoy the Anime and cry and smile
so all in all the Anime is the best even if there many intim parts which i personally like is the Anime perfekt and sooo sad the most amazing Thing is the relation between hanabi and mugi ...ok so i go cry now bb :) :( BUT IM SOOO HAPPY THAT I WATCH THIS WONDERFULL ANIME
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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