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Apr 6, 2012
Ow, another harem any with pretty characters! Something I like to devour every now and then. It even started of with a decent plot and 3 very strong main characters.
When Uryuu, Airi and Sakuno were introduced in the first episode I was happy to find out none of them are your average harem characters. A pity this impression didn't last long.
Sakuno,who seems to have had issues in the past and who could be a very interesting character, is sadly pushed to the background after just one episode. Airi, a strong looking woman, gets 3 episodes of glory but afterwords turns into background decoration.
At the beginning of the series she yells out that she hates boys (though, at the very first episode she is extremely kind to Uryuu...) but you never actually get to find out why she hates them so much...
Uryuu's alright for most of the series. He's not annoying and seems to be the only character who maintains his sanity. Until of course he falls in love, out of the blue, with one of the other main characters.
The only character with any development is Sana, but she's your everyday crybaby so that's not really interesting. We can't forget about Miu-sempai of course. She's the character who wasn't actually introduced at the beginning but turns out to be one of the main characters...
Is there anybody still following this?
So... really there isn't much good to say about Mashiro-iro's characters. Most of the time they're just really confusing.
Onto a more positive note: art. This is why I initially started Marshiro-iro. Airi is real eyecandy and so are all of the other girls. Unfortunately this too breaks down after episode 5 or so. Suddenly we get lousy lineart and even colouring isn't done properly. It gets better again at the end so overall it's rather ok.
Opening and Ending songs were fun to listen too and the soundtrack wasn't too bad either. Nothing you'll remember the day after finishing the series but it sets the mood alright.
There's no real story development. It starts of with a boy wanting to improve relationships between two merging schools, but after a while that theme is forgotten and the story starts focusing on the suddenly appearing friendships. When the scriptwriter is done talking about that, he develops a little bit of drama around the Nuko Club.
I couldn't really enjoy this anime because I was constantly reminded that neither the characters nor the story made any sense. It was quite a rollercoaster ride, the kind you regret getting into though.
Overall this is a very average, almost bad harem anime, nothing really worth your time unless you're a huge fan of this sort of anime. If you're looking for anything similar but way better I'd suggest Clannad or H20 ~ Footprints in the Sand.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 30, 2010
I never showed any interest towards this anime but a lot of people seemed to like it because of its unique approach. So I thought, why not give this a try? To be honest, I still don't know what to think about Higurashi...
Let me start by saying this anime is divided in arcs counting 4 to 6 episodes each approx. Each arc tells a different story (though I'm not sure they really were different) and the last two arcs seem to explain the events in the previous arcs. I didn't like this idea but why not give it a try? Well, my main reason
why -not- to watch this again is because the first 3 to 4 arcs are practically the same and bored me for about 13 episodes. I only enjoyed the horror moments which unfortunately were few. After the first half the arcs did get better and the explanatory arcs were nice, but this isn't all that bothered me about Higurashi.
How on earth did the producers come up with such annoying characters?! I'm not the kind of person to be easily annoyed by characters but boy! Never have I seen such unsteady characters. Even the ever expanding chaotic universe is more steady then Keiichi and his friends. I also couldn't stand the voice actors, they didn't sound believable at any point throughout the series. The animation didn't exactly help out here. Scenery and backgrounds were nicely done but I didn't enjoy the character designs. The facial expressions didn't impress me a lot either, except for when the characters got angry. They did a good job there.
I can't say I liked the development of the story since the first few arcs are truly retellings of similar stories. I still don't know what happened and what didn't, but the final two arcs were a big improvement so I am interested in watching the second season: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai. The comedy throughout the story wasn't exactly my cup of thee either. The place the story takes place in and the side elements, however, do speak to the viewers imagination. A little town where people desperately believe in their god who happens to enjoy torturing people,.. it's the perfect settlement for a psychological horror anime.
Concerning the soundtrack, I didn't like the opening nor the ending song. Again a bummer. Also its animation wasn't what it could or should have been. I only remember the cicadas crying from the first till the last episode, so there's little to talk about the music.
Higurashi didn't disappoint me since I didn't expect a lot from it, however I will watch the second season hoping for a reasonable amount of horror and some decent storytelling. If only the characters would have been better developed I would have enjoyed this a lot more, but a bunch of insecure children trying to act tough just don't get to me. Funny enough the supporting characters were more convincing and are probably what kept me watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 18, 2010
50 episodes ago I thought I was mad for watching such a long mecha anime. 7 days later I'm wondering why it's already finished. My expectations for Eureka Seven were high, though I never thought it would be more then a stereo-type mecha anime. And guess what, Eureka Seven is a top notch mecha anime, but it's also much more then that.
Everything starts with a 14 year old boy named Renton Thurston. He's entire life up until then turned around ref-boarding, a popular sport in the world of Eureka Seven, and mechanics. So when the Gekkostate drops by, a group of rebels leaded by
the famous ref-boarder Holland Novak, it's as if his greatest dream comes true. During the 13 following episodes, Renton gets acquainted with the crew and is introduced to the beautiful lady Eureka with whom he falls in love instantly. Being a newbie, quite a bit of pestering is awaiting Renton once he gets on the ship, so lots of fun and humor is to be expected in this arc. You best just sit back and enjoy the adventures the crew lives through, the outstanding character designs, some neat mecha fights and lots of amusing hip hop tunes.
Around the second quarter of Eureka Seven this "no worries"-state of mind which existed on the GekkoGo (that's what the ship is called) makes place for some vicious down-spiraling melodrama. Everything goes from bad to worse to even depressing. Renton is having a hard time with Eureka and the GekkoGo crew while everyone else has it's own problems to worry about.
It's around this time you really get a good view of how deep character relations go in Eureka Seven. This is what Eureka Seven is about: character development. And boy did the producers do a good job here! Not one character is alike, all are unique, and they all have their own way of being attractive to the audience. I can't really chose a favorite since there are many whom call to one's heart. Eureka Seven has many supporting characters and all are treated with the same care, making sure they are important to the main story.
After going through this drama bit, the clouds seem to have shrunk a little and Gekkostate is back on the right track with their goal clear in mind: saving the world!
A new party is introduced to the game, the army, lead by an evil man named Dewey (I had a hard time not laughing when I heard his name, I mean come on! Dewey?!). Many secrets are unraveled after the second half of the anime, meaning more ability to sympathize with the characters and ease to understand the meaning behind their actions and reactions. Pieces of information are given about the Coralians too, though I can't tell anything about it without spoiling.
You can await many mecha battles from now on, but they never get boring as more important matters surround them. By now there have been 3 different intro and ending songs too. I especially liked the first pair, I felt they worked really well with the anime. I was disappointed by the second pair because they didn't match the feeling the series had by then. The third pair was better and supported the events going on in the series. The fourth opening and ending were great, equivalent to the first. The animation was amusing too, except for the last ending, which wasn't even animated. It made it seem as if the producers got bored of it all. A shame. The music throughout Eureka Seven isn't comparable to many other soundtracks. If you're into this kind of music, you'll like it. But if you're not, you might have a hard time listening to the same tunes over and over again. I myself found they gave a modern and joyful twist to Eureka Seven.
Onto the final arc. Everyone, in all three camps, the Gekkostate, the army and the Coralians, is getting tense as the apocalypse is near. This is where the romance between certain characters shows it's best side and where children like Renton become real heroes (though his childish side never fades, after all, he's only fourteen).
I've heard people say Eureka Seven is too childish and idyllic and there is truth in that statement, but I can't say I see it as one of it's flaws. Eureka Seven stirs up your wildest dreams and makes possible what's impossible in real life. Maybe the concepts in Eureka Seven are childish, but the series is mature enough to bring them in an attractive way for most anyone.
I'm not sure about the final episode of the anime, the final battle was great and the climax sent a strong message to the world, but little is said about how Gekkostate is doing after these decisive events. What you believe has become of them is up to you.
Over all I enjoyed Eureka Seven. The animation was beautiful and detailed to the very end and the soundtrack was catchy and fun to listen to. The story was interesting, maybe not too original but very well brought and never boring. But what Eureka Seven makes such a good anime is it's character development and the relationships that are sketched at the start and fine-tuned near the end. So, omedeto to Eureka Seven's developers who brought us this wonderful piece of art!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 5, 2010
Last week I started watching Dennou Coil and yesterday I already finished the 26th and last episode. Not many anime pull you in this vastly but Dennou Coil had me super-glued to my screen.
The story starts frenetically introducing the main character Yuuko "Yasaka" Okonogi who moved to Daikuko City just recently. One by one characters and elements are thrown to the audience but never spoiling the mystery which covers it all. Dennou Coil's plot is one of the greatest I've come by ever since I started watching anime. Everything has its place in a puzzle that's led down piece by piece.
At the beginning
the art may not seem shiny eye-candy but its simplicity works perfectly for this anime and even adds depth to the surroundings and characters. The intro and ending songs made me sing along each time, meaning I liked them. They also fit well in the digital/traditional worlds which reign in Dennou Coil. The OST was nice and didn't get disturing at any point.
In the first few episodes, the digital world which complements the real world is explained, as are the relationships between characters. Some hardships are overcome while Yasako and her friend Fumie try to discover the truth about their classmate Isako and the Illegals, black grainy creatures resembling virus' in the digital world.
Halfway through, the story centers more on supporting characters though never without adding something useful to the main story. Every character is unique and as the story evolves, so do they. Some really pull you into their tearjerking moments. The overall feeling through these episodes is more relaxed and feel-good then the action-loaded first half.
After this, the plot becomes a lot darker and more intense. Up until now many mysteries were left unsolved but now the loose ends are tied together, including the little details some of us had probably already forgotten all about. The story remains unpredictable until the very end, reaches a most excellent climax without overdoing things and has an ending I believe most anyone would be happy with.
I felt very satisfied after watching Dennou Coil, as if I just ate a huge plate of my favorite food. If anything less loathing is to be said it would be about the music, of which I remember very little, meaning it wasn't much of a asset. There's a little bit for everyone in this series; drama, comedy, sci-fi, action, mystery... But it never becomes too much of the good stuff. I'd say one of series' trump cards is it's balance. This genre-balance guided by the amazing storybuild make Dennou Coil what it is: one hell of an anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 4, 2010
I have very mixed feelings about this anime. Some moments were heartwarming, others just didn't add anything to the story.
Hanamaru Youchien shows us the everyday life of a couple of toddlers and their teachers, how they overcome hardships and how they share their fun moments. Love is also a very important theme in the series. At some points the characters really drag you into their lives making your heart pound faster whenever something important happens. On the other hand there are many episodes were this feelgood-feeling just isn't present, making them random and unnecessary.
Story: 5
Hanamaru Youchien doesn't have much of a story. It's
a slice of life anime which tells about the adventures of three toddlers with Anzu and Tsuchida as the main characters. There is a lack of realism which disturbed me, like 5-year olds running through town on their own and crawling on to people's shoulders. The strange thing is that in the episodes were the story becomes a little more serious, the script-writers really succeed into creating an emotionally strong anime. I don't understand why they didn't take more advantage of this, because Hanamru could be such a tearjerker. And even if they went for a more lighthearted story, it still could have been a lot better than it is.
Maybe the end was disappointing for some. It could have been an episode in the middle of the series too, but that didn't bother me too much.
Art: 5
Nothing special here. Shading was very poor, facial expressions were alright. Nothing unique about the camerawork either though everything is shot from close against the floor. Mainly because the toddlers were very very small compared to the adult characters. The kindergarten was cute and well thought of. All of the other surrounding shots weren't too impressive.
The toddlers did have something cute about them and the colorpallet was enjoyable.
Sound: 3
The version I watched had very poor sound quality so I can't say I enjoyed the intro nor any of the ending songs. And even though every episode had its own ending theme there wasn't any I really liked. Aside from the ending songs the soundtrack fitted the anime, though overall I did find it a bit boring.
As for the voices they were alright at the beginning but at the end I couldn't help but get a headache. This goes especially for the kids and their teacher Yamamoto, whom sounded more like squirrels then humans.
Character: 5
I liked the characters but sometimes they were really annoying.
Anzu brings the energy into the anime. She's madly in love with her teacher Tsuchida and very determent to marry him in the future. Tsuchida is a young man who starts working at the kindergarten and falls in love with another teacher, Yamamoto. He tries to confess his love to her but fails time after time.
Hiiragi is Anzu's friend and the series' own Einstein, and Koume is the shy one who cries over nothing.
Enjoyment: 7
Though Hanamaru Youchien has many flaws if was a lot of fun to watch. It had many fun moments, a few touching moments, romantic moments... and all of these pull you into the story. I enjoyed seeing the children into trouble as well as seeing how similarly the adults encounter trouble.This is the main reason why I decided to continue watching.
Overall: 6
After watching the first episode, which is one of the best, I expected a great anime, and it was fun but not realistic nor too touching, which is why it doesn't get better grades. It did leave me behind with a good feeling. This feel-good vibe is most definitely the serie's trump card.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 8, 2010
If you're looking for an action anime with lots of drama and intense storylines, then move along to the next anime.
Ikkitousen is fanservice. Lots of panties, lots of boobies, lots of ripped of clothes, oh, and did I mention panties yet?
Story: 2
What story? Ikkitousen is a chain of events, loosely based on a novel, to which they often refer within the anime. If there is a story it would be that everyone just has to act according to the novel because: it's their destiny.
Art: 9
I must say I really liked the art. Maybe too polished for some of us but
to me it was eye-candy. Characters are very neatly drawn, easy to recognize (unlike their names) and very colorful. That's what attracted me to Ikkitousen to begin with.
There are a HUGE amount of panties-shots throughout the entire series. Same goes for the breasts. Without hesitation I can say that every girl's clothes are ripped of in every battle, just to show some boobies. So if you're just looking for some good-old ecchi, you're at the right address.
Sound: 4
I don't exactly remember any of it so I guess it wasn't good nor bad. The intro was alright, I always skipped the ending. I just doesn't fit Ikkitousen at all.
Character: 4
Ikkitousen are very typical and stereotype. There's the courageous but dumb main character (Sonsaku), the quiet "I have feelings but I won't show them to you"-girl (Ryomou) and the protective but useless friend of the main character (Koukin). Same predictability goes for all of the other characters, so no surprises here.
Enjoyment: 5
I can't say I really enjoyed it. I just felt bored and braindead and wanted to watch something that didn't require hard thinking, so Ikkitousen was the first thing that came to mind.
Overall: 5
Ikkitousen isn't exactly a good anime. It has no story, the characters are plain and there isn't much to relate too (I find that an important aspect in anime).
What Ikkitousen does have is good fanservice and a few good action scenes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 25, 2010
When I saw the first few episodes I was thrilled. Everything about this anime invited me to immediately watch the next episode and the one after and the one after. Too bad it didn't stay that way until the last episode.
Story: 6
Éclair and Lumière are two girls who work for the GOTT, an organization which takes care of businesses with governments all over the galaxy. These two ES member are the ones standing on the frontlines and as we follow them throughout the story they take care of pretty much everything that stands in their way from accomplishing their goal. While the anime starts
very light-hearted it becomes dark towards the end.
The problem with the story is that there are gaps, and quite a lot of them. I kept hoping that they would explain everything at the end of the series, but they didn't.
There are these tip-offs about governmental secrets, apart from that you don't get to know much more about them. Same goes for some of the events, mostly in the second half of the series. Though they truly are important events, you never really get to understand them.
I don't know what to say about the end. All of the sudden there's this battle of the century (I don't know why though) with every known character interfering. It was random but strangely touching.
I'm a bit dissatisfied with the story. It could have been a lot better.
Art: 9
The art was brilliant. The clothes, hairstyles, scenarios... everything looked very colorful. I also enjoyed the facial expressions. At some points the characters were really touching.
The animation was very neat too and the fight-scenes were impressive.
I also liked the opening and the ending-scenes. They weren't boring and fitted the spirit of the series.
Sound: 8
The first thing I noticed when starting Kiddy Grade was the music. A bit old schoolish but enjoyable and a great bonus to every scene. The opening sequence was alright, the ending was very good. The tunes will still stay in my head for a while, which is good.
Character: 8
Éclair, she's ever excited when they encounter trouble, a bit of a tomboy even. Whereas Lumière is ever elegant and constantly drinking grapefruit juice. The characters were adorable and I immediately felt empathy for both of them.
Eclipse, their boss, well... I still don't understand what she's all about. She's one of the gaps I spoke of.
There is one thing which really bothered me. Halfway Kiddy Grade both Éclair and Lumière change appearance! It was such a bummer. After this I had a very hard time regaining faith in them, especially because I didn't like their new looks.
Enjoyment: 7
Though the series has it's flaws it's still quite enjoyable. There's a decent amount of action but that doesn't get in the way of character development. At the beginning it almost looks like a feel-good anime. After a while it gets more dramatic and you get sucked into it along with the characters.
It most definitely was fun to watch.
Overall: 7
It could have been a perfect 10 on 10 anime but the gaps in the plot are just too much of a nuisance. Everything about this anime just screams that it has more potential. Too bad the creators didn't do anything with it.
I don't really understand why it says ecchi in the information column. I think I've seen two or three panties throughout the entire series, nothing more really.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 7, 2010
Here's my first review...
Speed Grapher, an anime mostly about money, abuse of power and more money. Overall it's very darktoned and dramatic. Not my kind of thing but I decided to watch it anyway.
Story: 7
A girl, Kagura, is drugged and used to pleasure rich politicians. Then a famous photographer, Saiga, gets caught up in it and decides he wants to save the girl.
The main story is that of Kagura and Saiga. Infected with a virus (at least I think it is a virus) they try to save themselves while escaping from the aristocrats who try to capture them.
Behind this there
is a deeper story which centers on the "dirty politicians" and messed up society we live in. Though showing their good face to the citizens, these politicians abuse their power to achieve money and sexual pleasure.
It's not my thing, but it portrays reality pretty good.
Then there also is the supernatural part in which people turn into maniacs who basically have orgasms collecting human legs, eating diamonds or bouncing around like tennis balls. I hoped the story would center more on the virus which inflicts these crazy habits and abilities, but it didn't.
Art: 5
Didn't like it. Very little color, but I suppose that goes with the dark tone the anime has. Little time was spend on the caracter design. They only one I enjoyed watching was Tsujido.
Don't remember the backgrounds too well so I guess they weren't too special either.
Sound: 4
At the beginning the music was nice. The fact that they only used 3 tracks in the entire anime bothered me.
Opening was nice, so is the video that goes with it. The first ending was horrible, Shione Yukawa just can't sing. Luckily halfway the series they save us by changing the ending song to another, much better, one.
Character: 7
They are good characters, Saiga, Kagura, Suitengu, Tsujido... Very distinct, each with a fixed goal to achieve. They are all quite powerful characters. Kagura I liked least, she's so manipulative, running behind anyone depending on how she feels.
Enjoyment: 5
If you like this kind of drama you'll probably enjoy it a lot more then I did. It's a story about reality like we all know it. I see it every day so I don't have to see it in an anime too.
Overall: 6
It's a good anime, has a lot of drama and criticizes society. It also has quite a bit of supernatural events to make things more interesting. If I would be neutral about my preferences in anime I would probably give this an 8. But I expected a more supernatural-based anime, which I didn't get, hence the 6.
If you're looking for a dramatic view on society however, you'll probably enjoy this very much.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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